Volume 7 Issue 2 (December 2018)
Original Articles The Effect of Globalization on Peace: An Evaluation From the Overview of Social Studies Student Teachers

İlhan Turan

pp. 76 - 86


Globalization has been one of the most frequently used terms in the field of international politics and diplomacy and academic studies in the last two decades. In the simplest sense, globalization can be defined as the increasing degree of communication and interaction between people, society and states living in different parts of the globe within the framework of the concept of yaşayan interdependence küresel. Globalization describes a process that proceeds in both directions in its local-universal spectrum, pointing to an extremely dynamic and variable concept rather than a static structure. Globalization continues to influence different areas of the world with each passing day and in this way, it constantly adapts its existing structure with its new initiatives and movements. It is known that wars started with the existence of human being on earth. Mankind tried to prevent wars while waging wars. Therefore, the history of peace is equal to the history of humanity. Religions, traditions, and cultures speak of the wickedness of war and the well-being of peace. Today, with the world entering the globalization process, the concept of peace has brought us to the brink of a moving debate. In this context, there are those who advocate that globalization has made significant contributions to peace and that it has brought peace to the brink of war.

Keywords: Teacher candidates, globalization, social studies

Original Articles Analysis of the Self-Life Stories of Scientists in the Curious Mind Book

Omer Zengin, Mehmet Kucuk

pp. 87 - 101


The objectives of the training programs include the adoption of children's scientific approach and the understanding of how scientists work. From this point of view, it is important for students to understand science correctly and to know which stages of scientific knowledge pass through. One of the sources that can help in understanding these processes is the books that convey the lives and discoveries of scientists. These books focus on the life of scientists, their discoveries and the impact of these discoveries on the present. Some of the books include some experiences that have influenced the scientific career process of scientists since their childhood. It is a matter of curiosity whether or not these experiences are similar to those of other scientists. Identifying similarities by investigating these experiences can provide the right set of science, the development of educational programs and the design of learning environments that will contribute to the scientific career process. The aim of this study is to determine the similar experiences in the childhood career experiences of 27 scientists in the book Curious Minds. In this study, qualitative method was used and descriptive analysis was used as the analysis method. Based on the findings, it was found out that science constructions are common experiences in their childhood experiences and in their experience in scientific career processes.

Keywords: Scientist, scientific career, childhood experiences, autobiography

Original Articles The Effect of Leadership Styles of School Principals on Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Rize Province

Gursen Vural, Askin Asan

pp. 102 - 122


In this study, the effects of leadership styles of school principals on the motivation of employees were examined. The research was conducted in Rize province and its districts. The study was conducted with the school administrators and teachers in these districts. The research population consisted of 4372 managers and teachers working in the province of Rize. The sample was 480 people randomly selected from the administrators and teachers who entered the universe. SPSS-20.0 package program was used for data analysis. In addition, mean, standard deviation, percentage, t test, one way variance analysis (ANOVA), Tukey HSD and correlation analysis were used. As a result of the study, transformational leadership style and sub-dimensions found in school administrators were found to be higher than the interactional leadership according to teacher perceptions. It was observed that the leadership styles of the school administrators did not change according to the demographic characteristics of the teachers' perceptions, and that there was no difference in the motivation other than the gender factor. In addition, the leadership styles of the school administrators and the teachers' motivation levels differed according to the districts where the teachers were located.

Keywords: Liderlik Stilleri, Çalışanların Motivasyonu, Okul Yöneticileri

Original Articles An Evaluation of Values and Character Education Program Based on Teachers’ Views: A Single Case Study  

Cigdem Celik, Alpaslan Ayhan Celik

pp. 123 - 148


The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of primary school teachers about the values education within the scope of multi-annual guidance programme in primary school. The sample of this study consists of 16 primary school teachers who based on voluntariness and who work in public school of İzmir in 2017-2018 education term. In this research, according to a single case study, semi structured interview technique which is one of the qualitative data collection was used. 46 pages raw data are picked up from face to face interviews. Content analysis is the method which is used for analyzing of the raw data. Through the results that were obtained, there are some interferences according to following situations. To illustrate them, which values that teachers try to redound to their students, remarks about how these values get indicated, using which tools and which methods do the values were tried to redound to students, besides, how long does this issue take and which difficulties that the teachers were encountered, the occasions to collaborate with parents, which activities of assessment and evaluation were preferred. Also, some suggestions were improved about how the education of values can be configured in a more sufficient way.

Keywords: Values education, curriculum evaluation, teacher’s views