Original Articles Historical Development of Pedagogical Formation Education and a Model Proposal
Osman Yildirim, Meliha Kose pp. 1 - 25 Abstract This study aimed to examine the historical process of the Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Program in Turkey and to propose a new model. Document analysis was used in the study. The 1973 Law No. 1739 on the Fundamental Law on National Education gave bachelor's degree graduates the right to take Pedagogical Formation Training Certificate Program courses through in-service training courses and become teachers. About the pedagogical formation education certificate, a directive dated September 28, 2021, on the teaching practice of students in educational institutions affiliated with the Ministry of National Education came into force recently. By the aim of the study, the quality of pedagogical formation education practices from 1973 to 2021 was analyzed and the proportion of courses offered to students was compared. According to the findings, the decisions and practices regarding the program from 1973 to 2021 do not constitute unity. The fact that experience and knowledge are not taken into account shows that a unique Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Program model that can be used in the Turkish education system has not been put forward. Based on the issue a new model was developed. It is expected that this model will offer a new perspective to education politicians and teacher training institutions and contribute to the development of teacher training programs specific to the Turkish education system Keywords: Pedagogical Formation Education, Teaching Profession Courses, Non-Thesis Master's Degree | |
Original Articles Let’s Ask Students for the Most Fruitful Context of Charging Phenomenon
Nuray Onder Celikkanli, Mustafa Tan pp. 26 - 50 Abstract This study aimed to determine the most fruitful context of the electrical charging phenomenon. For this aim, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 tenth-grade high school students in the 2016-2017 academic years. 12 open-ended questions were asked to students and students' answers were analyzed by using content analysis. The examples (event/experiment/product/etc.) given by students as answers were accepted as cases examined in this case study. When the students were asked which example (event/experiment/product/etc.) they would like to be used to express themselves better, they generally preferred to give laboratory-based experiments mentioned in school textbooks or lessons, their life-based experiences, or some analogies. For example, 67% of the student chose an event they experienced in their daily lives (e.g., combing hair with a plastic comb) and 67% of the student chose a laboratory experiment (e.g., an experiment of rubbing two insulating objects such as an ebonite rod rubbed with a wool piece as the closest context to them to explain charging phenomena. When we look at the reason why they gave these examples, we found that many students find these examples easy (f=17), known (f=17), and understandable (f=15), that these examples are given in the lessons (f=11), and they are frequently experienced in daily life (f=10). In addition, an unexpected result was obtained in this study. Keywords: Contact Charging, Context-Based Learning, Electrification, Physics Education | |
Original Articles Three Handicaps (Economy, Education, Environment) of Middle East Arab Countries
Emel Okur-Berberoglu pp. 51 - 64 Abstract The common points of Middle East Arab Countries (MEACs) are to have low human development index, environmental sustainability index, and educational problems particularly illiteracy. There are three main topics amongst the common subjects: economy (E), environment (E), and education (E). These 3 Es are intra- and interrelated, and basically address politics. The aim of this research is to examine the reasons of environmental problems of MEACs in terms of Islamic perspective and its applications. However, it is thought that the main problem here is Arap culture, not Islamic perspective because some literature refers to culture, disability among children, rural populations and nomadic life, and poverty in MEACs. Keywords: Arab Culture, Environmental Problems, Islamic Perspective, Middle East Arab Countries | |
Original Articles Challenges and Opportunities of Mentoring Pre-service EFL Teachers at Hossana Teacher Education College
Elfineh Fantaye, Jeylan Wolyie, Adinew Tadese, Abera Admassu pp. 65 - 80 Abstract The purpose of this mixed method design study was to investigate the challenges and opportunities of mentoring pre-service EFL teachers through the lenses of the five factors mentoring model. Data was collected during pre-service teachers' field practice. The participants were 10 purposively selected mentees and 5 mentors in phase one, and 107 mentees from one purposively selected Teacher Education College in phase two. Mentees participated in two rounds of semi-structured interviews. Mentors also participated in semi-structured interviews during mentoring practice. In phase two, the questionnaire was administered to 107 mentees. The data gathered from the interview was coded to draw themes and analyzed separately. Data gathered via questionnaire was tabulated and analyzed in descriptive statistics using SPSS version 16. The finding of the study revealed that pre-service EFL teachers faced numerous challenges as well as opportunities. It was also investigated that mentoring pre-service EFL teachers became more successful when they were provided with steady support by experienced mentors. Nevertheless, some mentees felt uncertain due to the strategies employed by their mentors. The study forwarded implications that effective mentoring enhances teachers’ professional development. Keywords: Mentoring, Pre-Service Teachers, Co-Operating Teachers, Challenges, Opportunities | |
Original Articles Solar System and Beyond' Unit Achievement Test: Validity and Reliability Study
Emin Demirci, Serkan Sevim pp. 81 - 100 Abstract In Türkiye, astronomy subjects are taught within the scope of primary and secondary school science courses. With the new program change, the 7th-grade level of secondary school is the grade level where astronomy subjects are taught most intensively. The students started to encounter concepts such as space pollution, stars and their formation processes, nebula, and black holes for the first time at this grade level. All these changes and especially the wider scope of the 'Solar System and Beyond Unit', which was taught as the first unit at the 7th Grade level, necessitated the development of a new achievement test for this unit. This research aimed to develop an achievement test for the 'Solar System and Beyond' for secondary school 7th-grade students. A scanning model was used in the research. To determine the validity of the test, a pilot study was conducted with 335 7th and 8th-grade students. By the data obtained, exploratory factor analysis was performed on the tetrachoric correlation matrix. Item difficulty and discrimination indices were calculated for the structural validity of the test. KR-20 technique was used for reliability analysis. Content validity, face validity, and construct validity were also examined for the validity of the test. It has been determined that the 'Solar System and Beyond Unit Achievement Test (SSBUAT)' is quite valid and reliable. Keywords: Solar System and Beyond' Unit, Achievement Test, Validity and Reliability |