Original Articles The Effect of History of Science-Based Light Unit on the 7th Grade Students' Nature of Science Views
Fatih Deve, Mehmet Kucuk pp. 1 - 25 Abstract The aim of this study is to prepare teaching materials supported by history of science and to examine the effect of this teaching material on students' understanding of the nature of science. The study was carried out with 20 students in the 7th grade light unit during 11 hours of 3 weeks. This work is an interpretive work because it focuses on the meanings that students place on the elements of the nature of science. The teaching material is based on the use of history of science in teaching. In order to be integrated into the teaching material, the history of science stories and materials in the textbook are arranged in the nature of science. The data of the study were collected by questionnaires of first-last on the nature science and semi-structured interviews. Each student’s before and after profiles of the nature of science were drawn and compared. In this way the influence of the activities on the students' understanding of the nature of science has been decided. This study has revealed that "weak" insights that students have about the elements of the nature of science have developed towards "adequate" level at the end of the study. Among the emphasized elements of the nature of science, it has been determined that the elements of "uncertain science" and "imaginative and creative" are more developed. Keywords: Teaching of nature of science, history of science, historical approach, science education, light. | |
Original Articles Using Personal Selling and Promotion as a Teaching Method in Education: Some Examples from TUBITAK Environmental Education
Emel Okur-Berberoglu pp. 26 - 48 Abstract One of the important characteristics of contemporary education is to build an effective bridge between theory and praxis. This bridge might be built by outdoor education. TUBITAK in Turkey is one of the institutions which supports outdoor educations. Literature shows that every environmental study has own outputs however there are no research how these outputs happen. When TUBITAK projects are evaluated in terms of environmental educations, it is pointed out that these education programs commonly use ‘promotion’, which is used in marketing, as a teaching method despite the fact that each of them has own education program. There has not been seen yet any study which uses promotion as a teaching method. The aim of this study is to show how some TUBITAK environmental education projects use promotion and how carry out it. The methodology is explorative case study. 6 environmental education programs were examined and tried to be determine promotion applications. The study showed that some characteristics of promotion overlap with the characteristics of outdoor education. These subjects are needs and aim analysis, five senses, social communication, personal attitude, special area and limited time. Keywords: outdoor education, environmental education, TUBITAK, personal selling, promotion | |
Original Articles The Images of Primary School Students on Force and Motion Concepts
Serpil Sahin, Orhan Karamustafaoglu pp. 49 - 67 Abstract This study was performed to analyze the 3rd grade Primary Science Courses Curricula “Getting to Know Forces” unit located on force and motion concepts and pre-course presentation of the concepts that construct students' minds regarding the concept and then how they change. This study was conducted with 17 students in 3rd grade D classroom, TOKI Mehmet Celebi Elementary School, Suluova District, Amasya, in 2014-2015 academic years. The simple experimental research method was used in this study. The sample study of this research was selected with aimed sample method. The data was collected by the mind mapping technique. In the process of data analysis, the participants have been coded by numbers; concepts that occur in students' minds are shown in the respective tables. By the end of this study, the researcher has come to the conclusion that the images formed in the students’ mind have more scattered and less before class. However, because of the influence of the mapping technique, all concepts have been systematically structured and the acquisitions, which are required by the 3rd grade power unit, have been earned after class. Keywords: Force, Motion, Image, Mind Map |