Volume 11 Issue 2 (December 2022)
Original Articles Distance Education Experiences of Syrian Students Under Temporary Protection During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Mehmet Basaran, Merve Ilter, Murat Alemdar, Omer Faruk Vural

pp. 81 - 98


The Covid-19 pandemic that has affected every aspect of life worldwide and in Turkey is still heavily taking effect. Formal education, one of the most affected fields, has become one of the most crucial issues of the daily life of the whole society, over 18 million students, their families, and the education community with the decision of the Ministry of National Education to suspend face-to-face education and switch to distance education in March 2020 within the scope of epidemic measures. This study aimed to examine the distance education experiences of Syrian students in line with the opinions of teachers who work at different education levels and have Syrian students in their classes. Data were collected from 16 teachers employing semi-structured interview forms. The research revealed the difficulties experienced by Syrian students under temporary protection during the distance education period from teachers' perspectives.

Keywords: Pandemic, Covid19, Syrian Students, Distance Education, Education Information Network

Original Articles The Effect of Argumentation-Based Socioscientific Teaching on the Academic Achievement of 7th-Grade Students in the Unit of Pure Substances and Mixtures

Isil Karcili, Serkan Sevim

pp. 99 - 110


The study investigated the effect of argumentation-based activities on middle school student's academic achievement. The research was conducted with 23 7th-grade students using argumentation-based activities for ten weeks. The "Particulate Structure of Matter Achievement Test," which includes the 7th Grade 4th Unit developed by Kizkapan and Bektas (2018), was used to measure academic achievement. The test consisted of 21 items and was administered as the pre-test before and the post-test after the intervention. Data were analyzed with the SPSS 24 package program. As a result of the research, it was seen that the scores the students got from the post-test were higher than the scores they got from the pre-test, and this difference was significant. In addition, since the activities applied throughout the intervention aimed to contribute to developing high-level thinking skills, it is noteworthy that the test also positively affected the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which are taxonomic levels.

Keywords: Argumentation, Socioscientific Issues, Academic Achievement

Original Articles Perceptions of Classroom Management Practices among Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) Trainee under Induction Programme

Arsalan Rasheed, Sana Awan, Sang Yijang, Malaika Noor

pp. 111 - 127


This study aimed to investigate the secondary school science trainee teachers’ perception of their classroom management practices, and challenges in classroom management practices and to examine gender differences in the trainee teachers’ perceptions of their classroom management practices during the practicum. The study was undertaken with 112 Secondary School Science Trainee teachers under Induction Programme training in the three districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). A mixed methods research design was used in the study. Focus group discussion and a questionnaire were used to collect data. It was found that trainee teachers had positive perceptions of their classroom management practices. They discovered that effective classroom management required proper planning and implementation of the plans to handle students as individuals. Furthermore, trainee teachers perceived several challenges in their classroom management including large strength, poor infrastructure, pupil indiscipline, and lack of teaching and learning materials. However, instead of the challenges they faced, they learned and managed to handle pupils in class, present lessons systematically and coherently, and ensure effective classroom management. The results further show that there was no significant difference between male and female trainee Teachers’ perceptions of the acquisition of classroom management skills.

Keywords: Classroom Management, Secondary School Teacher (SST), Trainee Teachers, Induction Programme, Mentors, Practicum, Lecturers

Original Articles Research into Teachers Self-Efficacy in Ethiopian Secondary Schools

Abera Abate, Aynalem Tesfaye, Mekbib Alemu, Kassa Michael

pp. 128 - 137


This paper aimed to critically comment on one research into teachers' self-efficacy entitled ‘Gender and School Type Differences in Self-efficacy (SE) in Teaching’ focusing on students' engagement, instructional strategies, classroom management, and overall efficacy by Butucha (2013). Butucha’s research is commented based on the definition of self-efficacy explained by Bandura (1982), influencing factors of teachers’ self-efficacy (TSE) by (Farrell & Weitman, 2007; Jones, 2011), efficacy measurement scale introduced by Tschannen-Moran and Hoy (2001), Framing teacher preparation research stated by (Cochran-Smith & Villegas, 2015) and Critiquing teacher preparation Research stated by Cochran-Smith et al. (2015). The major finding of Butucha's research that we commented: beginning teachers' in Ethiopia claim an average level of self-efficacy, efficacy in student engagement, instructional strategies, classroom management, and overall efficacy, as well as female beginning teachers in Ethiopia and those teaching in public school, tend to have a lower level of self-efficacy. Thus, our major comments are making an efficacy judgment comprehends an assessment of personal competence and an analysis of the task in terms of the resources, ways of teachers' training systems, and constraints that exist in particular teaching contexts (Tschannen-Moran, Hoy, & Hoy, 1998). So, the researcher has to analyze and conclude the findings based on the Ethiopian school context otherwise it may affect the credibility of the research findings. To generalize the findings as Ethiopian beginning teachers' self-efficacy, the researcher has to take a representative sample from different regions of Ethiopia. Otherwise, he has to generalize the finding for the Oromia region only based on the data collected. Moreover, any conclusions and reasons for findings should be supported by authorized evidence.

Keywords: Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Student Engagement, Instructional Strategies, Classroom Management

Original Articles Thematic Analysis of Graduate Theses for Preschool Science Education in Turkey

Gurhan Bebek, Si̇nan Bulbul

pp. 138 - 151


This paper aimed to examine the graduate theses carried out in the field of preschool science education in Turkey between 2006 and 2021. Data were collected from the National Thesis Center of the Turkish Council of Higher Education by using three keywords preschool, science education, and science. A total of 60 theses, 50 of which are master's and 10 doctoral were reached. The research used a document analysis method. The thesis was analyzed under seven themes publication type and publication year, the topic, research approach, research method and models, research sample, data collection tool, and results of the research. It was concluded that 83.33% of the thesis are master's, most of them are conducted under the main themes of description and investigation, 65% preferred the quantitative approach, mostly descriptive research is used as a method and quantitative data collection tools are preferred, mostly studied the relationships between some known variables as attitude. The most striking result is that the effect of some practices employed for preschool science teaching in theses is generally positive. This result has been similarly cited in many other studies on science education. The thesis should be carried out for all stakeholders to reach the targeted point with preschool education.

Keywords: Preschool, Science Education, Thematic Analysis