Original Articles Prospective Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Problem Posing Skills about Absolute Value
Ebru Guveli pp. 1 - 17 Abstract Generalization in mathematics is one of the ways that can be used for developing the skill of relating numbers with structures by referring principles and operations, and by providing some principles and numbers to pose problem status accordingly. In this regard, students should be assigned some numbers and operations and they should be made study on organizing problems that they need to use the assigned numbers in the operations by performing the signified conditions. This study aims at evaluating prospective teachers’ problem posing skills on absolute value. First grade students at elementary school mathematics teaching were given algebraic statements on absolute value and asked to pose an ordinary non-math problem about this statement. The problems that they posed were evaluated with the problem posing evaluation criteria and then, interviews about the positive and negative sides of the problem posing study were carried out with students. Students arrived at a consensus that experience is crucial in problem posing studies and at the end of the research it was determined that the students who did problem posing studies before were more successful. Students need to do problem posing studies and they need to gain experience on this topic starting from the first years of the elementary school. Keywords: Problem posing, absolute value, mathematics education | |
Original Articles Pre-service Teachers’ Learning Styles and Attitudes toward Teaching Profession
Fatma Kayan Fadlelmula pp. 18 - 29 Abstract This study examines pre-service teachers’ learning styles and attitudes toward teaching profession, and determines the impact of learning styles on their attitudes toward teaching, by analyzing various factors including gender, teaching program, grade level, grade point average, and type of graduated high school. Participants were 1321 pre-service teachers, studying in a middle sized public university, located in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Data were collected during the fall semester of 2013-2014 academic year, from nine teacher education programs. Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory and Attitude Scale towards the Profession of Teaching were used as data collection instruments. Results revealed that pre-service teachers mainly had converging and assimilating learning styles, and they showed positive attitudes towards teaching profession. The mean attitude score of convergers was significantly higher than divergers, and assimilators; while, the mean attitude score of accommodators was not significantly different from others. In addition, there were significant association between learning styles and gender, teaching program, grade level, and grade point average; however, no association between learning styles and type of high school graduated. Moreover, there were significant differences in pre-service teachers’ attitude scores considering their gender, teaching program, grade level, grade point average, and type of graduated high school. Keywords: Learning styles, attitude, teaching profession, teacher education | |
Original Articles The Effect of Ecology Based Environmental Education on Environmental Knowledge Gaining of In-Service Teachers
Emel Okur-Berberoglu pp. 30 - 49 Abstract Environmental knowledge is important in terms of environmental studies because the correlation between environmental knowledge, environmental attitude, awareness, and behaviour change are examined. The aim of this study is to evaluate the short and long term effects of an ecology-based outdoor environmental education programme on environmental knowledge gaining of the in-service teachers. Ouantitative approach is used and subject-specific outcome is focused. A multiple choice test is developed in order to have subject-specific outcome. The test is carried out as prestest, posttest, and after 6 month as postpost test. It is found that the ecology-based environmental education programme is effective on gainig environmental knowledge in the short term as high level. On the other hand the programme is also effective at the middle level knowledge gaining in terms of population ecology and the total score of the test in the long term. Keywords: Environmental education, environmental knowledge, knowledge test, in-service teacher | |
Original Articles Socio- Demographic Variables as a Predictor of Parents ‘Efficacy for Involvement in Inclusive Education: Experience from Nigeria
Olusegun E. Afolabi, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, H. Johnson Nenty pp. 50 - 65 Abstract Though, much has been said about parent-school collaboration in the past, more information is needed on why involvement varies among parents of learners with SENs in Nigeria. Using the Developmental Ecological Perspectives and Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler model (1995) as theoretical frameworks, this study examined the role of socio-demographic variables on parental efficacy for involvement in inclusive education in Nigeria, The investigation is based on this research question: To what extent do socio-demographic factors, such as (education, marital status and gender) influenced the self-efficacy of parents of learners with SENs on involvement in inclusive education in Nigeria? Employing a quantitative research method, this study gathered data from 372 parents of learners with SENs in 10 regular primary schools in the city of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, and used a survey instrument on Parental Involvement in Inclusive Education (PII) for data collection. The study found that socio-demographic variables such as marital status, education and gender significantly influenced the efficacy of parents of learners with SENs on in education of their children in Nigeria. Finally the study recommended that school must strive to promote school climate that supports parental efficacy for involvement, and ascribed to parents, the responsibilities that will make them a partners in their child education. Keywords: Parent involvement, self–efficacy, socio-demographic variables, inclusive education |