Volume 5 Issue 2 (December 2016)
Original Articles Does Hardship Deter Potential Teachers from Joining the Teaching Profession? A Case Study of Primary School Volunteer Teachers in Mzuzu Diocese in Malawi

Victor Yobe Mgomezulu

pp. 74 - 83


The study examined the extent to which hardship experienced by primary school volunteer teachers deterred them from joining the teaching profession.  The study involved a cohort of 107 volunteer teachers who had assembled in Mzuzu for a six week teacher training programme.  A questionnaire was used to collect data that was later analysed manually and presented in a tabular form. Prospect Theory guided the study in understanding the extent to which the volunteer teachers’ experiences of hardship in the teaching profession influenced their decision to join the profession.  The findings revealed that in spite of the majority of the volunteer teachers experiencing hardship, they enjoyed teaching and were not deterred from joining the teaching profession.    Two possible explanations for such risk-seeking behaviour were that they either saw something greater of personal value to them or they truly saw the teaching profession as a vocation.

Keywords: prospect theory, hardship, volunteer teacher, qualified teacher, primary school.

Original Articles Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers’ Views toward Models and Modeling in Science Education

Hakan Sevki Ayvaci, Serkan Sevim, Ayse Durmus, Yilmaz Kara

pp. 84 - 96


The purpose of this study is to analyze views of pre-service science teachers (PST) towards concepts of model and modeling. The sample of the study was included 40 PST. All participants were senior students from the department of science education in a State University. The research was conducted during the spring semester of 2012-2013 academic years. A questionnaire was prepared in order to collect data. The questionnaire was composed of open-ended questions and true-false statements. Content analysis and descriptive analysis methods were used to analyze data. From the findings of the study, it can be inferred that PSTs had adequate knowledge about models and modeling. On the other hand, it was seen that PSTs were unaware that representatives they use in their daily lives were models and there were some gaps and mistakes in their knowledge about which examples could be models, and model types.

Keywords: Model, modeling, technology, models in science education, views of pre-service teachers, science education

Original Articles Analysis of Implementation and Output Process of a Pilot Study in a School in the Context of FATİH Project

Nermin Karabacak , Mehmet Kucuk

pp. 97 - 126


The purpose of this study is the analysis of implementation and output process of a high school in which a pilot study conducted in the context of FATİH Project. The method of the study is qualitative. Semi-structured interviews and observations are used for the purpose of the study. Criterion sampling that is one of the purposeful sampling was used. For data analysis, a content analysis was adopted using NVivo 11-a computer-aided qualitative analysis program. Participants are consisted of seven teachers from different fields whose teaching experience ranges from 11 to 20. Interviews with the participants are conducted in April, 2016 academic year II after the research approval. Remarkable findings specific to this study and not found in the literature were identified. Some of the findings are: (i) students´ use of interactive board for extracurricular purposes, (ii) having students a researcher identity with technology support (iii) technology increases social activities and shares among students, (iv) students, participating in research competitions using technology (ii) students, use of Whatsapp for sharing information. These findings are positive for student and three remarkable findings for teachers are: (i) teachers’ approaches towards interactive board for emitting radiation (SAR), (ii) the needs of materials in the field satisfied by experts, (iii) the start of smart book-notebook application that support the project. At the end of this study, it turned out that the participants had positive views although they were in different fields and the willingness about continuing the Project.

Keywords: Information society, pilot study, FATİH Project, analysis of process

Original Articles Enhancing Teacher Preparation for Inclusion in Universities and University Colleges in Tanzania through Prosocial Education

Joseph Reginard Milinga

pp. 127 - 151


With the ever growing need for inclusive education, teachers’ prosocial attributes are considered important in facilitating students’ learning. Today, universities and university colleges are among core institutions entrusted with the responsibility of preparing teachers. While student diversity is significant in many classrooms today, little has been written about teacher preparation in Tanzania focusing on how universities and university colleges prepare teachers in both the academic and prosocial sides of education so that they can transmit the same to learners as they embark on teaching. Linked to both available literature and personal experience, the need to integrate prosocial education into teacher education programmes in universities and university colleges is emphasized in the paper, and suggestions to this end are provided. Along with shed lighting on some anticipated challenges to producing teachers with prosocial orientations, the paper concludes on areas that need to be researched for improved teacher preparation in Tanzania.

Keywords: Inclusion, prosocial education, Tanzania, teacher preparation, universities.

Original Articles Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes Towards and Views About Drama Course

Aysegul Oguz Namdar

pp. 145 - 154


The purpose of this study was to identify preservice elementary teachers’ attitudes towards and views about the drama course. The study was conducted with 104 students enrolled in Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, College of Education Elementary Education program in 2012-2013 school year in fall semester and in a drama course. The Attitudes towards Creative Drama Course Scale, developed by Adıgüzel (2006) and including 50 likert scale items, was used as a data collection tool and employed as a pre and post test. The students were asked to write a text about what they learned throughout the course. The written text was analyzed using descriptive analysis by using direct quotations. Findings indicated that there was no significant difference based on gender and education program type (evening program and normal program), however there was a significant difference between pre and post test. It is found that preservice elementary teachers’ views included explanations showing a positive attitude towards creative drama courses.

Keywords: Creative drama, preservice elementary teachers, attitude