Original Articles An Examination of the Relationship between Views on Teaching Styles and Pedagogical Literacy of Pedagogical Formation Training Students
İlhan Turan, Selami Yangin pp. 46 - 66 Abstract This study describes the relationship between pedagogical formation training students’ views on teaching styles and the phenomenon of pedagogical literacy, which is regarded to be of crucial importance for the teaching profession. Relational survey method was used to determine the relationship between the study variables. The sample group consisted of 203 students enrolled in a variety of departments but attending pedagogical formation training during the 2017-2018 academic year. For collecting data, two different scales were administered. The first scale was Grasha’s Teaching Style Scale and the other was the “Pedagogical Literacy Skills Scale”. Pearson product-moment correlation technique and multiple regression analysis were used to define the relationship between these variables. It was found out that students prefer the facilitator model the most, while formal authority is the least preferred teaching style. Moreover, males prefer the formal authority and delegator teaching styles considerably more than females. Also, female students find themselves strikingly proficient about the teaching-learning skills compared to their male peers. As for the relationship between teaching styles and pedagogical literacy, the highest relation exists between “teaching-learning” in the pedagogical scale and “facilitator teaching style” in Grasha’s scale. On the other hand, the lowest relation is found between “classroom management” skill and “formal authority style” at significant level in positive direction. As a conclusion, it is thought that effectiveness of pedagogical literacy on teachers’ teaching styles deserves much attention. Thus, future research should deal with the issue accordingly. Keywords: Pedagogical formation training, pedagogical literacy, teaching styles | |
Original Articles The Effects of Drama Based Early STEM Program on Scientific Process and Creative Thinking in Preschool Education
Secil Cilengir Gultekin, Ruken Akar Vural pp. 67 - 83 Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the effect of drama based early STEM program in education (STEM+Drama) which is developed by the researcher, 6 year old children attending preschool education institutions, on scientific process and creative thinking. In the study, pretest-posttest group quasi-experimental design was used as research method. The study group of the research was constituted by 18 children in the experimental group (5 girls, 13 boys), 22 children in the control group (13 girls, 9 boys), which totals 40 children attending a public kindergarten in Efeler district in Aydın province in the academic year between 2017-2018. Torrance Creative Thought Test and Scientific Process Skills Scale were used in the data collection process. According to the results of the research, a significant difference was found in favor of the experimental group which applied “Drama Based Early STEM Program on Education (STEM + Drama)” in the creative thinking test and scientific process skills sub-dimensions.The results were discussed in light of the literature. Keywords: Preschool, STEM, Drama in Education, Mantle of The Expert, Scientific Process Skills, Creative Thinking, Creativity, Early childhood | |
Original Articles Analysis of The Effect of The Use of Science Journals on The Students' Academic Achievements
Ismail Uysal, Serkan Sevim, Emin Demirci pp. 84 - 98 Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of the use of science journals on students' academic achievement. The participants of the study are 26 students, in 7th grade in 2017-2018 academic year at a state secondary school where students from middle socio-economic level are educated in Acıpayam District of Denizli Province. In the study, single group pre-test-post-test research design was used. The students in the group were taught in the "Electrical Energy" unit in accordance with the Science Program. In addition, students were asked to keep a science diary after each course. First of all, a pilot study was conducted with the students about the method of keeping a diary and the students were enabled to understand the method sufficiently effectively. "Electric Unit Achievement Test" developed by Aydın (2016) was used to collect the data of the study. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was found as. 85. After achievement test results were found to be reliable, It was applied twice as pre-test and post-test as a total. Firstly, arithmetic averages and standard deviations of the data obtained from the achievement test, were given, by doing descriptive statistical analysis. Then, statistical analysis (dependent-t test) based on deduction was performed. SPSS-20 package software was used for statistical analysis. In the interpretation of the analyzes, .05 significance level was accepted. In addition, the journals of three students randomly selected from the experimental group were examined. What the students write on their journals about the subject and the answers of the "Electric Unit Achievement Test" questions about the same subject were compared. The relationship between what is written in the journals and the responses given has been examined. In addition, the students' classroom performance was observed by the researcher during the application. Keywords: Science Journals, Academic Achievement, Meaningful Learning | |
Original Articles Investigation of the Nature of Science Studies in Turkey through Meta-Synthesis
Hasan Bag, Mehmet Kucuk pp. 99 - 111 Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the published researches on the nature of science in Turkey by means of meta synthesis (thematic content analysis). For this purpose, the journals published in Turkey in the field of educational sciences and included in international indexes (SSCI), the nature of science, the nature of scientific knowledge, science education, nature of science, nature of scientific knowledge and science education keywords were scanned. A total of 24 articles reached in this way was analyzed in detail by considering parameters such as method/pattern, sampling level, data collection tool, data analysis method, research result, research recommendation, sources examined about the dimensions of nature of science and academic fields of researchers. As a result of these analyzes, the majority of the researches were conducted in order to examine the natural competencies, opinions and perceptions of science in the students. Besides, it has been determined that studies that examine the nature of science with applied studies have also been done. In addition to these findings, an equal number of studies have been achieved at the level of sampling at almost all levels of learning except primary school. This study has been completed with a number of suggestions for teaching the nature of science to students at all levels of learning, increasing the quality of their work and their tendencies. Keywords: Nature of Science, Scientific Knowledge, Meta-Synthesis. | |
Original Articles The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Stress on Academic Performance of University Teachers: Insights from Bangladesh
Tanmay Biswas, Syed Moudud-Ul-Huq, Md. Shahed Mahmud, Md. Rostam Ali, Brishti Chakraborty pp. 112 - 133 Abstract The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of emotional intelligence and occupational stress on academic performance of university teachers’ in Bangladesh and data were collected adopting stratified sampling technique through a structured questionnaire from university teachers in Bangladesh. 224 questionnaires were selected and usable to proceed for final analysis. SPSS-20 version was used to analyze data for testing the frequency, reliability, validity and hypothesis as well as machine learning algorithms was used to visualizing and clustering data through adopting Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Findings of the study revealed that emotional intelligence of the faculty members of universities in Bangladesh have moderate positive correlation (r=0.424) with teachers’ academic performance and occupational stress has negative correlation (r= -0.036) with teachers’ academic performance as well as linear regression analysis exposed that emotional intelligence and occupational stress are significant predictors of teachers’ academic performance (β = 0.424, p ≤ 0.05) and (β= -0.036, p ≤ 0.05). Major limitations of the research is small sample size and lack of respondents’ eagerness to fill up the questionnaire. The study has several implications for education researchers, government of Bangladesh (Ministry of Education, University Grants Commission), education policy makers, university teachers, education service providers (University) for accelerating teaching learning pedagogy as well as effectiveness in order to ensure quality education Keywords: Emotional intelligence (EI), Occupational stress, Academic performance, University teachers’ |