Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 7(2) 76-86

The Effect of Globalization on Peace: An Evaluation From the Overview of Social Studies Student Teachers

İlhan Turan

pp. 76 - 86

Publish Date: December 30, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 183/1.213   |   Single/Total Download: 245/2.744


Globalization has been one of the most frequently used terms in the field of international politics and diplomacy and academic studies in the last two decades. In the simplest sense, globalization can be defined as the increasing degree of communication and interaction between people, society and states living in different parts of the globe within the framework of the concept of yaşayan interdependence küresel. Globalization describes a process that proceeds in both directions in its local-universal spectrum, pointing to an extremely dynamic and variable concept rather than a static structure. Globalization continues to influence different areas of the world with each passing day and in this way, it constantly adapts its existing structure with its new initiatives and movements. It is known that wars started with the existence of human being on earth. Mankind tried to prevent wars while waging wars. Therefore, the history of peace is equal to the history of humanity. Religions, traditions, and cultures speak of the wickedness of war and the well-being of peace. Today, with the world entering the globalization process, the concept of peace has brought us to the brink of a moving debate. In this context, there are those who advocate that globalization has made significant contributions to peace and that it has brought peace to the brink of war.

Keywords: Teacher candidates, globalization, social studies

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APA 7th edition
Turan, I. (2018). The Effect of Globalization on Peace: An Evaluation From the Overview of Social Studies Student Teachers. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(2), 76-86.

Turan, I. (2018). The Effect of Globalization on Peace: An Evaluation From the Overview of Social Studies Student Teachers. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(2), pp. 76-86.

Chicago 16th edition
Turan, Ilhan (2018). "The Effect of Globalization on Peace: An Evaluation From the Overview of Social Studies Student Teachers". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 7 (2):76-86.


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