Original Articles The Effect of Nature Education Project on Students' Cultural Heritage Awareness and Attitudes
Barış Bozok, Suzan Sevi̇m, Arzu Kucuk, Serkan Sevim pp. 1 - 14 Abstract This study aimed to investigate the value of a nature education project on the awareness and attitudes of middle school students toward Cultural Heritage. The research was based on an experimental model and the sample consisted of twentyfour middle school students. There were some selection criteria as they must have participated in a science fair before, and also have high academic achievement, high communication skills, etc. They participated in a nature education project with the theme of cultural heritage, which lasted for a week and was held with accommodation. The data were collected with the help of an achievement test and an attitude scale prepared for cultural heritage issues. They completed both measurement tools twice, the pretest on the first day and the posttest the three months after the project. The data were analyzed with appropriate methods in a computer-assisted data analysis program. These data revealed that the implemented nature education project greatly increased the achievement and attitude of the students towards cultural heritage issues. However, critical recommendations were made for the sustainability of the measured effect. Keywords: Nature Education Project, Cultural Heritage Education and Cultural Heritage Awareness | |
Original Articles Review of Award-Winning Children's Literature Works in Terms Of Popular Science And Science Fiction
Mustafa Orhan pp. 15 - 40 Abstract Children's literature studies started in the second half of the nineteenth century in Turkey and continue to increase with quality improvements. To encourage writers working in the field of children's literature, award-winning competitions are organized by various institutions and organizations, and it is known that the authors who receive awards in these competitions do successful work. This study, it is aimed to investigate the award-winning children's literature works in terms of their inclusion of popular science and science fiction. In the study, the document analysis method, one of the methods in qualitative research, was used. In the document analysis, 12 books were examined and it was determined that popular science was included in 3 books (25%), science fiction was included in 4 books (33%), and how the current issues were handled was interpreted. It is known that popular science studies have existed in Turkey for the last fifty years and have been intensified since the beginning of the 2000s. It has been determined that two of the examined books (17%) were written before 2000, and the other ten books (83%) were written after 2000, and the rate of popular science and science fiction in the examined books was relatively low. Children's love of science and their future participation in scientific studies in Turkey can only be possible if they have scientific literacy and a love of science. In the study, suggestions were made to overcome the deficiency in light of the findings. Keywords: Children's Literature, Children's Books, Popular Science, Science Fiction, Award-Winning Children's Books | |
Original Articles Students with Special Needs During COVID-19: A Case for Pakistan
Arsalan Rasheed, Dur e Mishal, Sabir Shah, Malaika Noor, Sana Awan, Shumaila Lateef pp. 41 - 56 Abstract After the COVID-19 pandemic, a phenomenological research was done on 19 students with special needs to examine their motivation and the educational environment. A questionnaire and in-person interviews were used to gather the information. Data collection was done, and percentage and frequency analysis were used. The majority of students, it was discovered, liked taking lessons online and felt at ease with this radical shift in teaching style. The benefits of taking lessons online motivated the majority of the pupils. The flexibility and financial savings of online education were rated as its best features. Unfortunately, it has flaws including interaction, disturbances, and one-sided learning. Online safety and security concerns, as well as teachers' incompetence and lack of help for some students with disabilities, were not addressed. It is recommended that instruction be individualised for each student, and that educators try to understand the particular requirements and difficulties faced by students with disabilities in order to include them in online learning settings. Keywords: COVID-19, Online Classes, Motivation, Disable Students, Higher Education | |
Original Articles The Effect of Teaching Based on ARCS Motivation Model in Social Studies Course on Academic Achievement, Permanence and Level of Motivation Towards the Course
Ilhan Turan, Serpil Ersoy pp. 57 - 80 Abstract This research aimed to examine the effect of teaching based on the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) motivation model in social studies courses on academic success, learning persistence, and motivation and to determine students' views on the activities carried out during the application. An embedded design which is one of the mixed research designs was used. The study group of the research consisted of 46 fifth-grade students, 24 of whom were in the control group and 22 in the experimental group. SPSS 18.0 package program was used in the analysis of the quantitative data obtained in the research, and content analysis was used in the analysis of the qualitative data. The quantitative results of the study revealed that the ARCS motivation model is an effective approach to academic achievement, learning persistence, and motivation. According to the qualitative results, experimental group students stated that the activities facilitated learning, increased their interest in the social studies lesson, and the lessons were enjoyable. Keywords: ARCS Motivation Model, Social Studies, Academic Success, Learning Persistence, Student Views. |