Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 12(1) 81-100
pp. 81 - 100
Publish Date: June 30, 2023 | Single/Total View: 49/621 | Single/Total Download: 84/810
In Türkiye, astronomy subjects are taught within the scope of primary and secondary school science courses. With the new program change, the 7th-grade level of secondary school is the grade level where astronomy subjects are taught most intensively. The students started to encounter concepts such as space pollution, stars and their formation processes, nebula, and black holes for the first time at this grade level. All these changes and especially the wider scope of the 'Solar System and Beyond Unit', which was taught as the first unit at the 7th Grade level, necessitated the development of a new achievement test for this unit. This research aimed to develop an achievement test for the 'Solar System and Beyond' for secondary school 7th-grade students. A scanning model was used in the research. To determine the validity of the test, a pilot study was conducted with 335 7th and 8th-grade students. By the data obtained, exploratory factor analysis was performed on the tetrachoric correlation matrix. Item difficulty and discrimination indices were calculated for the structural validity of the test. KR-20 technique was used for reliability analysis. Content validity, face validity, and construct validity were also examined for the validity of the test. It has been determined that the 'Solar System and Beyond Unit Achievement Test (SSBUAT)' is quite valid and reliable.
Keywords: Solar System and Beyond' Unit, Achievement Test, Validity and Reliability
APA 7th edition
Demirci, E., & Sevim, S. (2023). Solar System and Beyond' Unit Achievement Test: Validity and Reliability Study. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 12(1), 81-100.
Demirci, E. and Sevim, S. (2023). Solar System and Beyond' Unit Achievement Test: Validity and Reliability Study. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 12(1), pp. 81-100.
Chicago 16th edition
Demirci, Emin and Serkan Sevim (2023). "Solar System and Beyond' Unit Achievement Test: Validity and Reliability Study". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 12 (1):81-100.
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