Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 11(2) 138-151
pp. 138 - 151
Publish Date: December 30, 2022 | Single/Total View: 47/753 | Single/Total Download: 104/1.059
This paper aimed to examine the graduate theses carried out in the field of preschool science education in Turkey between 2006 and 2021. Data were collected from the National Thesis Center of the Turkish Council of Higher Education by using three keywords preschool, science education, and science. A total of 60 theses, 50 of which are master's and 10 doctoral were reached. The research used a document analysis method. The thesis was analyzed under seven themes publication type and publication year, the topic, research approach, research method and models, research sample, data collection tool, and results of the research. It was concluded that 83.33% of the thesis are master's, most of them are conducted under the main themes of description and investigation, 65% preferred the quantitative approach, mostly descriptive research is used as a method and quantitative data collection tools are preferred, mostly studied the relationships between some known variables as attitude. The most striking result is that the effect of some practices employed for preschool science teaching in theses is generally positive. This result has been similarly cited in many other studies on science education. The thesis should be carried out for all stakeholders to reach the targeted point with preschool education.
Keywords: Preschool, Science Education, Thematic Analysis
APA 7th edition
Bebek, G., & Bulbul, S. (2022). Thematic Analysis of Graduate Theses for Preschool Science Education in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 11(2), 138-151.
Bebek, G. and Bulbul, S. (2022). Thematic Analysis of Graduate Theses for Preschool Science Education in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 11(2), pp. 138-151.
Chicago 16th edition
Bebek, Gurhan and Si̇nan Bulbul (2022). "Thematic Analysis of Graduate Theses for Preschool Science Education in Turkey". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 11 (2):138-151.
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