Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 11(1) 15-40
pp. 15 - 40
Publish Date: June 30, 2022 | Single/Total View: 30/789 | Single/Total Download: 46/1.235
Children's literature studies started in the second half of the nineteenth century in Turkey and continue to increase with quality improvements. To encourage writers working in the field of children's literature, award-winning competitions are organized by various institutions and organizations, and it is known that the authors who receive awards in these competitions do successful work. This study, it is aimed to investigate the award-winning children's literature works in terms of their inclusion of popular science and science fiction. In the study, the document analysis method, one of the methods in qualitative research, was used. In the document analysis, 12 books were examined and it was determined that popular science was included in 3 books (25%), science fiction was included in 4 books (33%), and how the current issues were handled was interpreted. It is known that popular science studies have existed in Turkey for the last fifty years and have been intensified since the beginning of the 2000s. It has been determined that two of the examined books (17%) were written before 2000, and the other ten books (83%) were written after 2000, and the rate of popular science and science fiction in the examined books was relatively low. Children's love of science and their future participation in scientific studies in Turkey can only be possible if they have scientific literacy and a love of science. In the study, suggestions were made to overcome the deficiency in light of the findings.
Keywords: Children's Literature, Children's Books, Popular Science, Science Fiction, Award-Winning Children's Books
APA 7th edition
Orhan, M. (2022). Review of Award-Winning Children's Literature Works in Terms Of Popular Science And Science Fiction. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 11(1), 15-40.
Orhan, M. (2022). Review of Award-Winning Children's Literature Works in Terms Of Popular Science And Science Fiction. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 11(1), pp. 15-40.
Chicago 16th edition
Orhan, Mustafa (2022). "Review of Award-Winning Children's Literature Works in Terms Of Popular Science And Science Fiction". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 11 (1):15-40.
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