Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 11(2) 111-127
Arsalan Rasheed, Sana Awan, Sang Yijang, Malaika Noor
1 |
Understanding Lecturers’ Knowledge of Critical Thinking: A Study of Two Secondary Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs in Saudi Arabia
Alhasan Allamnakhrah
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
2 |
Pre-Service Teachers’ Level of Knowledge and Exercise Their Rights as Student
Cem Topsakal
Volume 2 Issue 1 |
3 |
Candidate Teachers' Opinions on Teaching Practice: A Case Study Based on Candidate Teachers' Diaries
Senol Sezer
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
4 |
An Examination of the Relationship between Views on Teaching Styles and Pedagogical Literacy of Pedagogical Formation Training Students
İlhan Turan, Selami Yangin
Volume 8 Issue 2 |
5 |
Instructional Quality and Trainee-Teachers’ Effectiveness in the Delivery of Basic Education: The Case of Ada and Accra Colleges of Education, Ghana
Abdul-Jaleel Saani, Tahir Ahmed Andzie
Volume 10 Issue 1 |
6 |
Primary Student Teachers' Views About Designing And Implementing Learning Activities During Teaching Practice
Taner Altun, Mirac Bakkaloglu, Derya Kelleci
Volume 10 Issue 2 |
7 |
Research into Teachers Self-Efficacy in Ethiopian Secondary Schools
Abera Abate, Aynalem Tesfaye, Mekbib Alemu, Kassa Michael
Volume 11 Issue 2 |
8 |
Challenges and Opportunities of Mentoring Pre-service EFL Teachers at Hossana Teacher Education College
Elfineh Fantaye, Jeylan Wolyie, Adinew Tadese, Abera Admassu
Volume 12 Issue 1 |
9 |
Lecturers' Pedagogy and Undergraduate Business Education Students’ Attitude and Academic Performance
Joshua Sule Mamman & Oluranti Oluwasina Olawuyi
Volume 13 Issue 1 |
10 |
Which Intelligence Games are Used in Primary Education? A Systematic Literature Review
Ozge Turan, Seyma Sengil Akar, Elif Saygi
Volume 13 Issue 2 |