Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2012, Vol. 1(2) 75-89
pp. 75 - 89
Publish Date: December 30, 2012 | Single/Total View: 83/1.037 | Single/Total Download: 114/2.366
This is a qualitative case study assessing lecturers' knowledge of critical thinking at two secondary pre-service teacher education programs in Saudi Arabia. Data include open-ended interviews with four lecturers from each university and is based on purposeful sampling. The theoretical framework is Richard Paul's (1992) theories on critical thinking and the consensus arrived at in the Delphi Report. The findings demonstrate that there is a lack of knowledge of critical thinking theory among lecturers at both universities and this can be attributed to many factors including cultural, lack of professional development and an emphasis on rote-learning and memorisation. This lack of knowledge of critical thinking impacts on the development of critical thinking among students who will perpetuate this in their own teaching practice in the future. This paper argues for education reforms based on critical thinking to improve student learning outcomes and for professional development in critical thinking for lecturers.
Keywords: Lecturers’ knowledge, critical thinking, teacher education
APA 7th edition
Allamnakhrah, A. (2012). Understanding Lecturers’ Knowledge of Critical Thinking: A Study of Two Secondary Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs in Saudi Arabia. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 1(2), 75-89.
Allamnakhrah, A. (2012). Understanding Lecturers’ Knowledge of Critical Thinking: A Study of Two Secondary Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs in Saudi Arabia. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 1(2), pp. 75-89.
Chicago 16th edition
Allamnakhrah, Alhasan (2012). "Understanding Lecturers’ Knowledge of Critical Thinking: A Study of Two Secondary Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs in Saudi Arabia". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 1 (2):75-89.
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