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Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 10(2) 90-109

Primary Student Teachers' Views About Designing And Implementing Learning Activities During Teaching Practice

Taner Altun, Mirac Bakkaloglu, Derya Kelleci

pp. 90 - 109

Publish Date: December 30, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 81/924   |   Single/Total Download: 115/1.532


This study aims to examine the opinions of primary student teachers on the design and implementation processes of learning activities that they developed and used in the classroom during their teaching practices. The case study method was used in the study designed within the framework of the qualitative research approach. In the study, a questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions was applied as an electronic form to 85 primary student teachers studying in the last year of a primary teacher education program at a state university in the 2019-2020 academic year. Obtained raw data were analyzed with descriptive analysis techniques. According to the findings obtained in the study, the majority of the participants stated that they received sufficient training during their undergraduate education on activity preparation, however, they feel inadequate in developing creative activities. According to the findings, although there are many advantages of preparing activities in the teaching practice process, these advantages can sometimes turn into disadvantages during the implementation process. According to the results obtained in the study, the expectations, feelings, and opinions of participants during the activity preparation process may change after the activities are applied in the classroom. However, many problems such as lack of time, crowded classes, and classroom management difficulties are encountered during the implementation of activities in classroom practices. To overcome these problems, it is recommended that primary student teachers should be supported in activity designing and implementing during teaching practices in primary schools.

Keywords: Primary Student Teachers, Designing Activities, Teaching Practice

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APA 7th edition
Altun, T., Bakkaloglu, M., & Kelleci, D. (2021). Primary Student Teachers' Views About Designing And Implementing Learning Activities During Teaching Practice. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(2), 90-109.

Altun, T., Bakkaloglu, M. and Kelleci, D. (2021). Primary Student Teachers' Views About Designing And Implementing Learning Activities During Teaching Practice. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(2), pp. 90-109.

Chicago 16th edition
Altun, Taner, Mirac Bakkaloglu and Derya Kelleci (2021). "Primary Student Teachers' Views About Designing And Implementing Learning Activities During Teaching Practice". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 10 (2):90-109.


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