Original article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 13(2) 74-93

Which Intelligence Games are Used in Primary Education? A Systematic Literature Review

Ozge Turan, Seyma Sengil Akar, Elif Saygi

pp. 74 - 93

Publish Date: December 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 15  |  Number of Download: 15


This study aimed to conduct a systematic literature review of international research on using intelligence games at the primary education level between 2011 and 2023. We analyzed twenty research articles to determine thematic characteristics, game types, study groups, and key findings. The results indicated that most papers were in 2021, focusing on fifth–8th-grade students, followed by first–4th-grade students, teachers, and teacher candidates. We also found out that geometric-mechanical and strategy games were the most frequently used, with Tangram and Mangala being the most preferred games in their respective categories. In contrast, memory games were the least utilized. The findings demonstrated that intelligence games significantly enhance academic achievement, problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning, and motivation. For example, anagram games improved fluent reading skills, while Mangala contributed to mathematical motivation. Intelligence games fostered positive attitudes toward lessons and encouraged student cooperation. The study highlights challenges such as classroom management issues during intelligence game activities in large classes.

Keywords: Games, Intelligence Games, Primary Education

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APA 7th edition
Turan, O., Akar, S.S., & Saygi, E. (2024). Which Intelligence Games are Used in Primary Education? A Systematic Literature Review. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(2), 74-93.

Turan, O., Akar, S. and Saygi, E. (2024). Which Intelligence Games are Used in Primary Education? A Systematic Literature Review. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(2), pp. 74-93.

Chicago 16th edition
Turan, Ozge, Seyma Sengil Akar and Elif Saygi (2024). "Which Intelligence Games are Used in Primary Education? A Systematic Literature Review". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 13 (2):74-93.


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