|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 10(1) 40-53

Instructional Quality and Trainee-Teachers’ Effectiveness in the Delivery of Basic Education: The Case of Ada and Accra Colleges of Education, Ghana

Abdul-Jaleel Saani, Tahir Ahmed Andzie

pp. 40 - 53   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2101-18-0004.R1

Published online: June 30, 2021  |   Number of Views: 44  |  Number of Download: 670


The study investigated the effect of instructional quality on trainee teachers' effectiveness in the delivery of basic education, focusing on Accra and Ada Colleges of Education (CoE), Ghana. The study also considered the moderating role of trainee teachers' academic self-discipline on the relationship between instructional quality and trainee teachers' effectiveness in terms of professional values, attitudes, knowledge, and practices. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed. The study population was all the 2,207 trainee-teachers in the two colleges. The study selected final year students of the two colleges purposively. The number of final year students in the two colleges was 713, made up of 454 males and 259 females. The census method was used to capture all of them. Trainee-teachers and mentors questionnaires, with reliability coefficients of .817 and .912 respectively, were the instruments used. Mean, standard deviation, and a hierarchical regression-based approach of Hayes (2018) moderation analysis were the statistical tools used to analyze the data. The study revealed that the instructional quality of the colleges is perceived positively. However, the professional values, attitudes, knowledge, and practices of trainee-teachers were ineffective. Also, whenever trainee-teachers demonstrate a high level of academic self-discipline, qualities of the instruction they received help them demonstrate effective command over possession of subject matter knowledge, lesson presentation skills, class management and control, and lesson note preparation. The Ministry of Education through National Accreditation Board and National Council for Tertiary Education should ensure that designers and reviewers of teacher education programs factor in more professional courses and socially oriented courses such as School and Community; Family, School, and Community collaboration; and Sociology of Teacher Education to help enhance teachers' effectiveness professionally and to develop their professional competencies in teaching from known to unknown, taking into consideration the Ghanaian cultural context.

Keywords: Academic Self-Discipline, Instructional Quality, Trainee-Teacher Effectiveness

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Saani, A. & Andzie, T.A. (2021). Instructional Quality and Trainee-Teachers’ Effectiveness in the Delivery of Basic Education: The Case of Ada and Accra Colleges of Education, Ghana . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(1), 40-53.

Saani, A. and Andzie, T. (2021). Instructional Quality and Trainee-Teachers’ Effectiveness in the Delivery of Basic Education: The Case of Ada and Accra Colleges of Education, Ghana . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(1), pp. 40-53.

Chicago 16th edition
Saani, Abdul-Jaleel and Tahir Ahmed Andzie (2021). "Instructional Quality and Trainee-Teachers’ Effectiveness in the Delivery of Basic Education: The Case of Ada and Accra Colleges of Education, Ghana ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 10 (1):40-53.


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