|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 7(2) 102-122

The Effect of Leadership Styles of School Principals on Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Rize Province

Gursen Vural, Askin Asan

pp. 102 - 122   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1812-13-0001.R1

Published online: December 30, 2018  |   Number of Views: 144  |  Number of Download: 1246


In this study, the effects of leadership styles of school principals on the motivation of employees were examined. The research was conducted in Rize province and its districts. The study was conducted with the school administrators and teachers in these districts. The research population consisted of 4372 managers and teachers working in the province of Rize. The sample was 480 people randomly selected from the administrators and teachers who entered the universe. SPSS-20.0 package program was used for data analysis. In addition, mean, standard deviation, percentage, t test, one way variance analysis (ANOVA), Tukey HSD and correlation analysis were used. As a result of the study, transformational leadership style and sub-dimensions found in school administrators were found to be higher than the interactional leadership according to teacher perceptions. It was observed that the leadership styles of the school administrators did not change according to the demographic characteristics of the teachers' perceptions, and that there was no difference in the motivation other than the gender factor. In addition, the leadership styles of the school administrators and the teachers' motivation levels differed according to the districts where the teachers were located.

Keywords: Liderlik Stilleri, Çalışanların Motivasyonu, Okul Yöneticileri

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APA 6th edition
Vural, G. & Asan, A. (2018). The Effect of Leadership Styles of School Principals on Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Rize Province . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(2), 102-122.

Vural, G. and Asan, A. (2018). The Effect of Leadership Styles of School Principals on Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Rize Province . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(2), pp. 102-122.

Chicago 16th edition
Vural, Gursen and Askin Asan (2018). "The Effect of Leadership Styles of School Principals on Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Rize Province ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 7 (2):102-122.


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