Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2017, Vol. 6(1) 47-60

Comparison of the Conceptual Change of Analogies and Conceptual Change Texts in Eliminating Students' Alternative Conceptions for Acids and Bases

Serkan Sevim, Seval Senem Tarim

pp. 47 - 60

Publish Date: November 21, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 224/1.151   |   Single/Total Download: 294/2.566


The purpose of this study is to compare the efficiency of conceptual change text and analogy on the determination and remediation of eight grade students ‘alternative concepts of within ‘acids- bases' topic in ‘particulate structure of matter' unit. This is a quasi-experimental research and pilot application was implemented with 50 students (25 students as analogy group, 25 students as conceptual change text (CCT) group) in 2014-2015 academic years. Groups were random determined. Courses were conducted by researcher in one of the groups teaching with analogy, in other group teaching with CCT. Acid-Base Concept Test (ABCT) comprising of two-tiered multiple choice items was used to collect data which Demirci used in her study in 2011. ABCT was applied to the both of groups as pre- and post- tests. The results were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 package program. The arithmetic mean of analogy group marks was; X =36,91 /25, the CCT group's arithmetic mean was; X= 31,96 /25 before application. Independent t- test were applied on ABCT pretest points and there had been statistically no difference between analogy and CCT groups in terms of pretest points before the instruction .( t (48) =1,453 :p>0,05) After two week the instruction, ABCT was applied to the both analogy and CCT group as posttests. It was observed that there was a significant difference in both of groups after the instruction.(t(48)= 5,834 : p<0,05 ) When the data which were obtained from the post-test after application are evaluated, the arithmetic mean of the analogy group (X=60,92/25) increased approximately 24 points, and the arithmetic mean of the CCT group (X=50,16/25) increased approximately 18,2 points. In conclusion, analogies and conceptual change texts have a great effect on students' conceptual change about alternative concepts in acids bases topic, that the analogies were more effective than the conceptual change texts.

Keywords: Conceptual Change; Conceptual change text; Analogy; Acid base

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APA 7th edition
Sevim, S., & Tarim, S.S. (2017). Comparison of the Conceptual Change of Analogies and Conceptual Change Texts in Eliminating Students’ Alternative Conceptions for Acids and Bases. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(1), 47-60.

Sevim, S. and Tarim, S. (2017). Comparison of the Conceptual Change of Analogies and Conceptual Change Texts in Eliminating Students’ Alternative Conceptions for Acids and Bases. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(1), pp. 47-60.

Chicago 16th edition
Sevim, Serkan and Seval Senem Tarim (2017). "Comparison of the Conceptual Change of Analogies and Conceptual Change Texts in Eliminating Students’ Alternative Conceptions for Acids and Bases". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 6 (1):47-60.


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