Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2017, Vol. 6(1) 33-46

Teachers' Views about Technology Use in Drama, Music and Visual Arts Lessons

Ayşegul Oguz Namdar, Mustafa Sarikaya, Reha Sarikaya

pp. 33 - 46

Publish Date: November 21, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 75/1.141   |   Single/Total Download: 90/2.587


The purpose of this study is to identify teachers' views about technology use in drama, music and visual art lessons. With this purpose, the researchers created an interview form towards technology use in drama, music, and visual art lessons consisting open-ended questions. The questions were checked by two expert researchers in the field and revised based on their feedback. A total number of 12 teachers in the fields of drama, music and visual arts. The teachers were chosen based on the voluntarity. The interviews were recorded with an audiorecorder. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using content and descriptive analyses. In the content analysis the findings were presented in tables and codes; while in the descriptive analysis the teachers' views were presented by using direct quotes. The findings illustrated that the drama, music, and visual arts teachers drew attention to the importance and neccessity of these lessons. Based on the findings, implications include the following: to teach more effectively, drama, music, and visual art classrooms should be designed to have technologies and education should be given to arts teachers for effective use of technology.

Keywords: Drama, Music, Visual arts, Technology

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APA 7th edition
Namdar, A.O., Sarikaya, M., & Sarikaya, R. (2017). Teachers’ Views about Technology Use in Drama, Music and Visual Arts Lessons. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(1), 33-46.

Namdar, A., Sarikaya, M. and Sarikaya, R. (2017). Teachers’ Views about Technology Use in Drama, Music and Visual Arts Lessons. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(1), pp. 33-46.

Chicago 16th edition
Namdar, Aysegul Oguz, Mustafa Sarikaya and Reha Sarikaya (2017). "Teachers’ Views about Technology Use in Drama, Music and Visual Arts Lessons". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 6 (1):33-46.


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