Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2013, Vol. 2(1) 1-18
Cem Topsakal
pp. 1 - 18 | Manu. Number: turkish journal of t
Published online: June 30, 2013 | Number of Views: 37 | Number of Download: 1001
This study aimed to determine awareness and exercise level of pre-service teachers about student rights in
the Faculty of Education, Yüzüncü Yıl University (YYU). Population of the study consists of 3538
undergraduates in 2010-2011 academic year at YYU. Randomly selected 538 students, by cluster and multiphase sampling from all departments and years were taken into the sample in the population. As a data
collection tool, we used a survey developed by researcher. Data are analyzed by describing frequency and
percentage. The research is supported by a qualitative study among students. Results of the main study showed
that pre-service teachers have hardly been aware of and used their rights. The other findings are followed as:
students get knowledge about their rights mostly through their friends and website of the university; however
they desire to prefer it through their supervisors when getting information. During this period, they are noticed to
have problems about lack of counselling and interest by officials in the Faculty of Education. Best way to solve
this problem is that a dynamic counselling service must be provided and officials should show interest and
respect students. Besides legal rights, students mostly ask for high quality of education, struggle with all manners
of discrimination, right to see their marked examination papers and to appeal against examination grades.
Additionally, students demand of new rights such as participation in rector election, right to choose lecturer,
make-up for low grades. According to about three fifth of participants, supervisors fail in their jobs while
admitting lack of knowledge about their rights and demand for information in this matter. When they attempted
to exercise their rights, students meet some problems with lecturers, officials and registrar’s office. Students find
some of current regulations rather useless. They felt hard done-by on some subjects such as pedagogical
formation and studying in the Faculty of Science. In conclusion, the study ends with results-oriented suggestions.
Keywords: Student rights, university students, faculty of education, knowledge of right
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References |
Akıntürk, T. (2008). Hukuka giriş. (Editör: Neval Okan), Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları. |