|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2012, Vol. 1(1) 1-15

A critical literature review of whole teacher development and the learning of pupils

Durmus Ekiz

pp. 1 - 15   |  Manu. Number: turkish journal of t

Published online: June 30, 2012  |   Number of Views: 181  |  Number of Download: 1123


This study is a critical literature review of “whole teacher development” and its consequences for pupils’ learning. The primary aim in the study is to clarify the idea of; why “whole teacher development” is necessary, and what does it mean for teaching and learning in these changing times. Within these broader themes, the following topics will be addressed: A conceptual framework for professional learning, professional development, and personal development; the need for whole teacher development; professionalism and teachers; the nature of whole teacher development; teachers’ commitment and desire to work and development; the changing nature of teaching and learning; the importance of teachers’ workplace in whole teacher development; the characteristics and roles of pupils in changing times; and the changing nature of learning. The study will be ended up with the relation between whole teacher development and its consequences for the pupils’ learning. 

Keywords: Professional and personal development; Whole teacher development; Changing times; School culture; Pupils’ learning.

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APA 6th edition
Ekiz, D. (2012). A critical literature review of whole teacher development and the learning of pupils . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 1(1), 1-15.

Ekiz, D. (2012). A critical literature review of whole teacher development and the learning of pupils . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 1(1), pp. 1-15.

Chicago 16th edition
Ekiz, Durmus (2012). "A critical literature review of whole teacher development and the learning of pupils ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 1 (1):1-15.


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