Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 12(1) 65-80
Elfineh Fantaye, Jeylan Wolyie, Adinew Tadese, Abera Admassu
pp. 65 - 80 | Manu. Number: MANU-2302-28-0005
Published online: June 25, 2023 | Number of Views: 31 | Number of Download: 673
The purpose of this mixed method design study was to investigate the challenges and opportunities of mentoring pre-service EFL teachers through the lenses of the five factors mentoring model. Data was collected during pre-service teachers' field practice. The participants were 10 purposively selected mentees and 5 mentors in phase one, and 107 mentees from one purposively selected Teacher Education College in phase two. Mentees participated in two rounds of semi-structured interviews. Mentors also participated in semi-structured interviews during mentoring practice. In phase two, the questionnaire was administered to 107 mentees. The data gathered from the interview was coded to draw themes and analyzed separately. Data gathered via questionnaire was tabulated and analyzed in descriptive statistics using SPSS version 16. The finding of the study revealed that pre-service EFL teachers faced numerous challenges as well as opportunities. It was also investigated that mentoring pre-service EFL teachers became more successful when they were provided with steady support by experienced mentors. Nevertheless, some mentees felt uncertain due to the strategies employed by their mentors. The study forwarded implications that effective mentoring enhances teachers’ professional development.
Keywords: Mentoring, Pre-Service Teachers, Co-Operating Teachers, Challenges, Opportunities
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