|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 12(1) 26-50

Let’s Ask Students for the Most Fruitful Context of Charging Phenomenon

Nuray Onder Celikkanli, Mustafa Tan

pp. 26 - 50   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2301-16-0004.R1

Published online: June 30, 2023  |   Number of Views: 31  |  Number of Download: 635


This study aimed to determine the most fruitful context of the electrical charging phenomenon. For this aim, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 tenth-grade high school students in the 2016-2017 academic years. 12 open-ended questions were asked to students and students' answers were analyzed by using content analysis. The examples (event/experiment/product/etc.) given by students as answers were accepted as cases examined in this case study. When the students were asked which example (event/experiment/product/etc.) they would like to be used to express themselves better, they generally preferred to give laboratory-based experiments mentioned in school textbooks or lessons, their life-based experiences, or some analogies. For example, 67% of the student chose an event they experienced in their daily lives (e.g., combing hair with a plastic comb) and 67% of the student chose a laboratory experiment (e.g., an experiment of rubbing two insulating objects such as an ebonite rod rubbed with a wool piece as the closest context to them to explain charging phenomena. When we look at the reason why they gave these examples, we found that many students find these examples easy (f=17), known (f=17), and understandable (f=15), that these examples are given in the lessons (f=11), and they are frequently experienced in daily life (f=10). In addition, an unexpected result was obtained in this study. 

Keywords: Contact Charging, Context-Based Learning, Electrification, Physics Education

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APA 6th edition
Celikkanli, N.O. & Tan, M. (2023). Let’s Ask Students for the Most Fruitful Context of Charging Phenomenon . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 12(1), 26-50.

Celikkanli, N. and Tan, M. (2023). Let’s Ask Students for the Most Fruitful Context of Charging Phenomenon . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 12(1), pp. 26-50.

Chicago 16th edition
Celikkanli, Nuray Onder and Mustafa Tan (2023). "Let’s Ask Students for the Most Fruitful Context of Charging Phenomenon ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 12 (1):26-50.


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