|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 11(2) 128-137

Research into Teachers Self-Efficacy in Ethiopian Secondary Schools

Abera Abate, Aynalem Tesfaye, Mekbib Alemu, Kassa Michael

pp. 128 - 137   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2105-12-0002

Published online: December 30, 2022  |   Number of Views: 26  |  Number of Download: 820


This paper aimed to critically comment on one research into teachers' self-efficacy entitled ‘Gender and School Type Differences in Self-efficacy (SE) in Teaching’ focusing on students' engagement, instructional strategies, classroom management, and overall efficacy by Butucha (2013). Butucha’s research is commented based on the definition of self-efficacy explained by Bandura (1982), influencing factors of teachers’ self-efficacy (TSE) by (Farrell & Weitman, 2007; Jones, 2011), efficacy measurement scale introduced by Tschannen-Moran and Hoy (2001), Framing teacher preparation research stated by (Cochran-Smith & Villegas, 2015) and Critiquing teacher preparation Research stated by Cochran-Smith et al. (2015). The major finding of Butucha's research that we commented: beginning teachers' in Ethiopia claim an average level of self-efficacy, efficacy in student engagement, instructional strategies, classroom management, and overall efficacy, as well as female beginning teachers in Ethiopia and those teaching in public school, tend to have a lower level of self-efficacy. Thus, our major comments are making an efficacy judgment comprehends an assessment of personal competence and an analysis of the task in terms of the resources, ways of teachers' training systems, and constraints that exist in particular teaching contexts (Tschannen-Moran, Hoy, & Hoy, 1998). So, the researcher has to analyze and conclude the findings based on the Ethiopian school context otherwise it may affect the credibility of the research findings. To generalize the findings as Ethiopian beginning teachers' self-efficacy, the researcher has to take a representative sample from different regions of Ethiopia. Otherwise, he has to generalize the finding for the Oromia region only based on the data collected. Moreover, any conclusions and reasons for findings should be supported by authorized evidence.

Keywords: Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Student Engagement, Instructional Strategies, Classroom Management

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APA 6th edition
Abate, A., Tesfaye, A., Alemu, M. & Michael, K. (2022). Research into Teachers Self-Efficacy in Ethiopian Secondary Schools . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 11(2), 128-137.

Abate, A., Tesfaye, A., Alemu, M. and Michael, K. (2022). Research into Teachers Self-Efficacy in Ethiopian Secondary Schools . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 11(2), pp. 128-137.

Chicago 16th edition
Abate, Abera, Aynalem Tesfaye, Mekbib Alemu and Kassa Michael (2022). "Research into Teachers Self-Efficacy in Ethiopian Secondary Schools ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 11 (2):128-137.


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