Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 9(2) 106-119
Memduh Sami Taner, Hasan H. Esenoglu, Yavuz Unat, Tuncay Ozisik, Halil Kirbiyik
pp. 106 - 119 | Manu. Number: MANU-2005-14-0003.R1
Published online: December 31, 2020 | Number of Views: 142 | Number of Download: 884
In this study, education in the astronomy field and space sciences in the schools in Turkey as well as the activities to create awareness in these subjects will be discussed. A research that was done among youngsters, ages from 15 to 24, for measuring the scientific literacy showed that most attractive subjects to the Turkish youngsters were “internet” and “astronomy”. This result leads the authorities to take necessary measures to fill the gap especially in the teaching materials such as books and in the changes of curricula in high schools. Besides TUBITAK National Observatory, universities and Turkish Astronomical Society are giving every effort to create public awareness of space activities and space sciences. As for the teacher training in the astronomy field and space sciences, much has been done but the targeted success has not come yet. Astronomy subjects in are taught not by astronomers but some other specialists from other branches, such as physics and mathematics. Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that astronomers on every occasion are pushing forward to have the right formally about the training of astronomers to become a teacher to be hired by the Ministry of Education.
Keywords: Teacher training history, Astronomy education, Teacher training, Turkey
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