|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 9(1) 37-63

The Effect of Out-of-School Learning Activities on 5th Grade Students’ Science, Technology, Society and Environment Views

Arzu Kucuk, Nagihan Yildirim

pp. 37 - 63   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2005-14-0001.R1

Published online: June 30, 2020  |   Number of Views: 196  |  Number of Download: 937


This study aimed to examine the effects of out-of-school learning activities carried out within the 5th grade human and environmental unit of science teaching program on students' views of science, technology, society, and the environment. In the research, the "mixed research method", which emerged as a research paradigm that acts as a bridge between quantitative and qualitative research, was used. In this study, a group of 22 students, consisting of 5th-grade students, taught all of their courses outside the school in the human and environmental unit. To measure the impact of these practices on students' understanding of Science, Technology, Society, and Environment, quantitative data were applied three times, in the beginning, in the end, and at the end of the following six months, with the Science, Technology, Society and Environment survey, while qualitative data were processed throughout the applications via worksheets, structured diaries and semi-structured interviews with students after the intervention. Quantitative data analysis was done by calculating the item scores of each question in the questionnaire, and the analysis of qualitative data was done through content analysis. Based on the quantitative and qualitative data that greatly support each other in this research, it has been revealed that the out-of-school learning activities implemented within the scope of the human and environmental unit have improved the science, technology, and environmental views of the study group, and also its permanence can be achieved in a long time.

Keywords: Science, Technology, Society and Environment, Science Teaching, Out-of-School Learning Environments

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APA 6th edition
Kucuk, A. & Yildirim, N. (2020). The Effect of Out-of-School Learning Activities on 5th Grade Students’ Science, Technology, Society and Environment Views . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(1), 37-63.

Kucuk, A. and Yildirim, N. (2020). The Effect of Out-of-School Learning Activities on 5th Grade Students’ Science, Technology, Society and Environment Views . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(1), pp. 37-63.

Chicago 16th edition
Kucuk, Arzu and Nagihan Yildirim (2020). "The Effect of Out-of-School Learning Activities on 5th Grade Students’ Science, Technology, Society and Environment Views ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 9 (1):37-63.


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