|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 7(1) 50-60

Relationship of Teachers’ Professional Competence and Achievement of Students at University Level

Sadia Batool, Tehseen Tahir, Mehtab Habib

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 161 420
  Turkey 80 176
  Indonesia 48 86
  Pakistan 35 82
  Philippines 33 83
  Nigeria 27 54
  India 26 60
  China 25 31
Unknown 25 63
  Malaysia 17 24
  Ethiopia 15 22
  Russian Federation 13 20
  Thailand 12 17
  Ghana 9 13
  Tanzania, United Republic of 9 14
  Germany 7 10
  Uganda 5 12
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 5 23
  South Africa 4 13
  Vietnam 4 6
  Kenya 4 5
  Korea, Republic of 3 4
  Latvia 3 4
  Europe 3 10
  Morocco 2 2
  Myanmar 2 6
  Norway 2 2
  Egypt 2 8
  Cameroon 2 6
  Ukraine 2 3
  United Kingdom 2 8
  Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 2
  Lebanon 2 3
Unknown 2 3
  Chile 1 3
  Finland 1 1
  Mexico 1 1
  Trinidad and Tobago 1 1
  Oman 1 3
  New Zealand 1 1
  Moldova, Republic of 1 1
  Kazakhstan 1 1
  Libya 1 3
  Hong Kong 1 2
  Botswana 1 3
  Swaziland 1 2
  Saudi Arabia 1 3
  Albania 0 1
  Uzbekistan 0 2
  Malawi 0 1
  United Arab Emirates 0 1
  Canada 0 2
  Zambia 0 1
  Bulgaria 0 2
  Greece 0 1
  Ireland 0 1
  Israel 0 1
  Brazil 0 3
  Liberia 0 1
  Somalia 0 3
  Palestinian Territory 0 1
  Hungary 0 1
  Japan 0 1
  Bangladesh 0 2
  Kuwait 0 1
  Austria 0 1
  Nepal 0 2
  Sri Lanka 0 2
  Jordan 0 2
  Rwanda 0 1
  Tunisia 0 4
  Australia 0 1
  Lithuania 0 1
  Taiwan 0 2
  Namibia 0 3
  Netherlands 0 1
  Costa Rica 0 1
  France 0 1
  Romania 0 2
Total 79 countries