|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2014, Vol. 3(2) 64-77

Teaching Chemical Equilibrium by Analogy-Based Worksheets

Nagihan Yildirim, Mehmet Kucuk, Alipasa Ayas

pp. 64 - 77   |  Manu. Number: tujted.2014.005

Published online: December 31, 2014  |   Number of Views: 114  |  Number of Download: 1020


Literature includes many studies based on analogies in which connections between target and source concepts were directly provided for students.  However, in the current study, we tried to provide for them worksheets to apply analogies and encourage them to reach this relation network by themselves via following directions in the worksheets. Thus, the study aimed to reveal the effects of analogy-based worksheets about the chemical equilibrium on high school students’ learning. A qualitative research method was used. The sample included twenty-five students at 10th grade from a high school located on the north east part of Turkey. Data collected via a Chemical Equilibrium Concept Test (CECT), analogy based worksheets and also non-structured observations. For the study, ‘Chemical Equilibrium” was taught via two lessons plans including two analogy based worksheets. It is concluded that analogy based worksheets in which  students were forced to connect old and new knowledge were quite effective to make students concretize and learn the chemical equilibrium concept as chemical equilibrium.

Keywords: Chemistry teaching, chemical equilibrium, worksheet, analogy

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APA 6th edition
Yildirim, N., Kucuk, M. & Ayas, A. (2014). Teaching Chemical Equilibrium by Analogy-Based Worksheets . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(2), 64-77.

Yildirim, N., Kucuk, M. and Ayas, A. (2014). Teaching Chemical Equilibrium by Analogy-Based Worksheets . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(2), pp. 64-77.

Chicago 16th edition
Yildirim, Nagihan, Mehmet Kucuk and Alipasa Ayas (2014). "Teaching Chemical Equilibrium by Analogy-Based Worksheets ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 3 (2):64-77.


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