Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2014, Vol. 3(1) 18-24
Remith George Carri
pp. 18 - 24 | Manu. Number: tujted.2014.002
Published online: June 30, 2014 | Number of Views: 48 | Number of Download: 992
The paper critically analyses the quality deterioration of the teacher preparation programme keeping the ultimate aim of teaching in mind. The qualities that a teacher should possess were discussed followed by the role and relevance of accreditation in maintaining quality. The shortcomings of accreditation are highlighted. The importance of attractive remuneration for teaching profession is stressed. The author tries to highlight the lacunas in teacher education programmes with a stress on the significance of support mechanism and professional development programmes for novice teachers. The role of teachers in the society should be kept in mind, right from the selection of teacher trainees to teacher education institutions till they are evaluated finally to make them fit for the purpose. The paper suggests a revamping of the teacher education programme as well as the accreditation procedures and stress that it should be more realistic.
Keywords: Accreditation, quality, quality of teachers, teacher education
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