|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2014, Vol. 3(1) 1-17

The Effect of Ecological Dynamics Model on Behavioral Change, Direct and Indirect Actions

Emel Okur-Berberoglu

pp. 1 - 17   |  Manu. Number: tujted.2014.001

Published online: June 30, 2014  |   Number of Views: 90  |  Number of Download: 1068


The main aim of environmental education is to change environmental behaviour and there are some models to have this output. One of them is ecological dynamics model (EDM). One of the teaching methods of environmental education is outdoor education. Ecopedagogy-based outdoor environmental education (EOEE) which is one of the main subjects of this research, and EDM are based on experiential learning and properties of EDM overlap EOEE's properties, except interdisciplinary characteristic. Interdisciplinary perspective explains how an environmental education program should be. EOEE might be a kind of adaptation of EDM to education. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of EOEE and EDM on ecological behaviour change, direct and indirect actions within in-service teachers. Research methodology is qualitative approach. I observed and evaluated the participants throughout an EOEE program and followed them up after six months. I found that EOEE and EDM were successful in order to achieve ecological behaviour change, direct and indirect actions.

Keywords: Ecological dynamics model, ecopedagogy, outdoor education, environmental education, behavioural change, in-service teacher education.

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APA 6th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2014). The Effect of Ecological Dynamics Model on Behavioral Change, Direct and Indirect Actions. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(1), 1-17.

Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2014). The Effect of Ecological Dynamics Model on Behavioral Change, Direct and Indirect Actions. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(1), pp. 1-17.

Chicago 16th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, Emel (2014). "The Effect of Ecological Dynamics Model on Behavioral Change, Direct and Indirect Actions". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 3 (1):1-17.


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