Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2017, Vol. 6(1) 18-32
Ceyhun Ozan, Remzi Yavas Kincal
pp. 18 - 32 | Manu. Number: tujted.2018.007
Published online: November 21, 2018 | Number of Views: 121 | Number of Download: 1120
Measurement and evaluation, which are integral parts of curriculum at every level within educational systems, are certainly one of the important competence areas that teacher candidates should possess in institutions that educate teachers. Self-efficacy and attitude are of high correlation. Determining the attitudes of teacher candidates towards measurement and evaluation is important in order to create a more positive learning environment. The aim of this research is to examine the attitudes of prospective teachers towards measurement and evaluation in education in terms of gender, curriculum and cumulative grade point average. Research is in the survey model. The population of the research is composed of prospective teachers who are studying in the programs of the faculty of education of a state university in the spring semester of the 2015-2016 academic year and have taken the course of measurement and evaluation. The sample of the research consists of 778 teacher candidates who have been selected from the population by cluster sampling method. Attitude toward Educational Measurement Inventory was used as data collection tool. According to the results obtained from the research, the attitudes of teacher candidates towards measurement and evaluation are positive. The attitudes of the teacher candidates do not differ significantly according to the variables of gender and cumulative grade point average. Significant differences were found in terms of field variable. The attitudes of prospective teachers studying in science fields are significantly higher than those of prospective teachers in educational sciences and basic education fields.
Keywords: Attitude, Attitudes towards educational measurement, Measurement and evaluation, Teacher candidates.
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