Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2013, Vol. 2(2) 109-116
Abdul-Jaleel Saani
pp. 109 - 116 | Manu. Number: MANU-1811-19-0004
Published online: December 31, 2013 | Number of Views: 96 | Number of Download: 1115
This study investigated the influence of compensation and teacher supervision on teacher work performance. 103 selected private basic school teachers in the Ashaiman community of Tema, Ghana completed the questionnaire. The questionaire comprising 23 close-ended items related to forms of compensation, teacher’s job satisfaction, teacher supervision and teacher work performance constructs derived from the literature. The instrument used for the study was a five-point scale questionnaire. The Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test for the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient was 0.86. Data for the study were analysed using Pearson Product Moment correlation and multiple regression. It was found out that compensation and teacher supervision relate positively to teacher work performance; however, the two variables do not directly predict work performance. They do so only if teachers are satisfied with the forms of compensation available to them. Thus, teachers work performance increases significantly when they are supervised and also are satisfied with the forms of compensation given to them at the same time. It is therefore recommended that management of private basic schools should design attractive compensation packages for their teachers. They should also use appropriate supervision strategies in their schools, as this increases teacher work performance. If teacher supervision goes pari passu with levels of compensation packages offered, the teachers will have satisfaction with their job, and they will increase their effort in their work.
Keywords: Compensation, job satisfaction, teacher supervision, teacher work performance
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