Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2012, Vol. 1(2) 61-74
Serkan Sevim
pp. 61 - 74 | Manu. Number: turkish journal of t
Published online: December 30, 2012 | Number of Views: 42 | Number of Download: 1024
This study aims to investigate the influence of History of Science Cases on student science teachers’ (SSTs) nature of science concepts. This study was used as a qualitative research method. For this study, History of Science Cases were implemented for a group of 18 SSTs. Data gathered via-nature of science questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. In addition, SSTs wrote reflective notes after their each activity. It was concluded that SSTs had naive views about the aspects of the NOS at the beginning, however, they had informed views about it after the intervention especially in four aspects; Tentative and empirical relationships between scientific theories and laws, the role of social and cultural context in science, creative nature of scientific knowledge and difference between an observation and inference. It is suggested, supporting previous work in that developing informed conceptions of the NOS for SST is a cognitive instructional outcome that requires History of Science Cases.
Keywords: Nature of scince, history of science cases, student science teacher
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References |
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