Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2012, Vol. 1(2) 41-58
Milad M. Saad, Aziz M. Barbar, Suzanne A.R. Abourjeili
pp. 41 - 58 | Manu. Number: turkish journal of t
Published online: December 30, 2012 | Number of Views: 206 | Number of Download: 1150
What is the nature of preservice teachers knowledge base that would enable them teach with technology? How preservice teacher education programs should be structured to build this knowledge base? In an effort to respond to these questions, this study examines the mostly recognized relevant theoretical grounding of the nature of the teacher knowledge base. As a result, it introduces TPACK-XL as a transformative view of a strand of Mishra and Koehler (2005) TPACK (Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge) theoretical framework, named ICT-TPCK as proposed by Angeli and Valanides (2009). ICT-TPCK integrates the context (X) and the learner’s (L) knowledge to contribute to TPACK with more specificity on ICTs in the field of educational technology. Mishra and Koehler proposed the TPACK model that describes teachers’ integration of ICTs in their classroom practices. TPACK has become known as a useful overarching conceptual framework that builds on Shulman (1986) formulation of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). In this paper, the author analysis of ICT-TPCK model aims to contribute to the discussions on how to educate preservice teachers within the ICT-TPCK framework principles. The detailed examination and refinement of the interrelated contributing knowledge bases of ICT-TPCK: ICTs (T), pedagogy (P), content (C), learners (L), and context (X) has led to pointing thirty-one constituent knowledge constructs. TPACK-XL is identified as the elaborated form of ICT-TPCK that highlights the interdisciplinary knowledge constructs that synthesize to lead to its core knowledge and, consequently, serve as an advanced lens of ICT-TPCK for preservice teachers’ educators.
Keywords: Educational technology, ICTs in teacher education, preservice teacher education, student teacher knowledge base, technological pedagogical and content knowledge TPACK
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