|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 7(1) 28-49

Improvement of Innovative Science Experiments Criteria with Science Teachers

Merve Cin, Suat Turkoguz

pp. 28 - 49   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1811-16-0002

Published online: June 30, 2018  |   Number of Views: 486  |  Number of Download: 1501


The aim of this study is to improve inquiry based science experiments’ criteria by science teachers and put forth the relationship between them. In order to improve the criteria, 45 science teachers working in İzmir participated in the workshop held at Buca Education Faculty of Dokuz Eylül University. The sub criteria of the main criteria determined from the literature were formed together with them. The main criteria are: Curiosity, Safe, Simple, Economic, Enjoyable and Relevant. The science experiment with these criteria was defined as the “Innovative Science Experiment” (ISE). As sub criteria of “curiosity” are; science experiment allows students to listen with interest, directs them to research and activates their imagination. The “simple” criterian contains: materials in the science experiment include the simplest, understandable, easy-to-find, the levels of the experiment are easy to understand, prevent the creation of misconceptions. The “safe” criterion covers both the physical security of the materials and the learning environment as well as the psychological safety. "Economical" has been dealt with in terms of experiment budget, effective use of time and curriculum.Enjoyable criteria” are about; student’s interest, motivation and attitude. The "related" criterion is used in the meaning of the lesson’s gains and its relevance to daily life. After the criteria were converted to the 3-point likert type scale, the structure, reliability and descriptive analyzes were made. Among the six criteria, " curiosity, enjoyable and related " and "simple, economic and safe" have higher correlations with each other. It is aimed to use the improved criteria to prepare inquiry based activities or to evaluate the planned experiments. Thus, a more effective learning - teaching environment can be created. These basic criteria can be supplemented with additional criteria such as "design", "technology" and " interdisciplinary" in accordance with the curriculum, the subject and the structure of the changing educational philosophies.

Keywords: Inquiry-based learning, Sccience experiments criteria, Innovative science experiments

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APA 6th edition
Cin, M. & Turkoguz, S. (2018). Improvement of Innovative Science Experiments Criteria with Science Teachers . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(1), 28-49.

Cin, M. and Turkoguz, S. (2018). Improvement of Innovative Science Experiments Criteria with Science Teachers . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(1), pp. 28-49.

Chicago 16th edition
Cin, Merve and Suat Turkoguz (2018). "Improvement of Innovative Science Experiments Criteria with Science Teachers ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 7 (1):28-49.


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