|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 10(2) 125-141

Evaluation of Animated Concept Cartoons on Fractions in Terms of Teacher-Student Views

Demet Baran Bulut, Zeynep Karabayir, Sevim Sevval Inel, Burak Yildiz

pp. 125 - 141   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2102-15-0004.R1

Published online: December 30, 2021  |   Number of Views: 52  |  Number of Download: 941


In this study, it was aimed to prepare animated concept cartoons for the subject of fractions and to evaluate their applicability in terms of teachers’ and students’ views. In this context, animated concept cartoons (ACC) have been prepared that contain some of the acquisitions of "Fractions and Operations with Fractions" in the 5th and 6th grade of the mathematics curriculum. Before the concept cartoons were prepared, a needs analysis was made for the students 'misconceptions about fractions by taking teachers' opinions. The scenarios of ADKK for the misconceptions determined afterwards were created by making use of the literature. These scenarios were prepared using visuals and voiceovers through an animation preparation application. The developed concept cartoons were applied in three different classes in three different schools, then teachers’ and students’ views were taken about the concept cartoons.

Keywords: Fractions, Animation, Concept Cartoons, Students’ Views

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APA 6th edition
Bulut, D.B., Karabayir, Z., Inel, S.S. & Yildiz, B. (2021). Evaluation of Animated Concept Cartoons on Fractions in Terms of Teacher-Student Views . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(2), 125-141.

Bulut, D., Karabayir, Z., Inel, S. and Yildiz, B. (2021). Evaluation of Animated Concept Cartoons on Fractions in Terms of Teacher-Student Views . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(2), pp. 125-141.

Chicago 16th edition
Bulut, Demet Baran, Zeynep Karabayir, Sevim Sevval Inel and Burak Yildiz (2021). "Evaluation of Animated Concept Cartoons on Fractions in Terms of Teacher-Student Views ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 10 (2):125-141.


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