|  e-ISSN: 2147-5156

Original article | Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2019, Vol. 8(2) 46-66

An Examination of the Relationship between Views on Teaching Styles and Pedagogical Literacy of Pedagogical Formation Training Students

İlhan Turan, Selami Yangin

pp. 46 - 66   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1910-07-0006.R1

Published online: December 31, 2019  |   Number of Views: 85  |  Number of Download: 944


This study describes the relationship between pedagogical formation training students’ views on teaching styles and the phenomenon of pedagogical literacy, which is regarded to be of crucial importance for the teaching profession. Relational survey method was used to determine the relationship between the study variables. The sample group consisted of 203 students enrolled in a variety of departments but attending pedagogical formation training during the 2017-2018 academic year. For collecting data, two different scales were administered. The first scale was Grasha’s Teaching Style Scale and the other was the “Pedagogical Literacy Skills Scale”. Pearson product-moment correlation technique and multiple regression analysis were used to define the relationship between these variables. It was found out that students prefer the facilitator model the most, while formal authority is the least preferred teaching style. Moreover, males prefer the formal authority and delegator teaching styles considerably more than females. Also, female students find themselves strikingly proficient about the teaching-learning skills compared to their male peers. As for the relationship between teaching styles and pedagogical literacy, the highest relation exists between “teaching-learning” in the pedagogical scale and “facilitator teaching style” in Grasha’s scale. On the other hand, the lowest relation is found between “classroom management” skill and “formal authority style” at significant level in positive direction. As a conclusion, it is thought that effectiveness of pedagogical literacy on teachers’ teaching styles deserves much attention. Thus, future research should deal with the issue accordingly.

Keywords: Pedagogical formation training, pedagogical literacy, teaching styles

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APA 6th edition
Turan, I. & Yangin, S. (2019). An Examination of the Relationship between Views on Teaching Styles and Pedagogical Literacy of Pedagogical Formation Training Students . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 8(2), 46-66.

Turan, I. and Yangin, S. (2019). An Examination of the Relationship between Views on Teaching Styles and Pedagogical Literacy of Pedagogical Formation Training Students . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 8(2), pp. 46-66.

Chicago 16th edition
Turan, Ilhan and Selami Yangin (2019). "An Examination of the Relationship between Views on Teaching Styles and Pedagogical Literacy of Pedagogical Formation Training Students ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 8 (2):46-66.


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