Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2014, Vol. 3(1) 25-38

Teaching Methods and Techniques Used by Teacher Trainers in Classrooms

Orhan Karamustafaoglu, Adem Bayar

pp. 25 - 38

Publish Date: June 30, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 45/1.000   |   Single/Total Download: 51/2.367


This study was carried on to determine the methods and techniques used in classrooms by science teachers in science and technology department of education faculty at state university. 24 teacher trainers who taught all courses within the department in 2013-2014 academic year and 21 prospective science teachers who attended to these courses involved in the study. The data was obtained through questionnaire and semi-structured interviews from the teachers and semi-structured interviews from the prospective teachers. The questionnaire data was presented in tables related to various variables such as gender and experience in teaching whereas the interview data was presented as qualitative method in question and answer format. Furthermore, the opinions of teachers and the prospective teachers were compared. It is seen in the data that there is no difference among the teacher trainers in using methods and techniques related to their gender but the number of methods and techniques which make the students active become less when their teaching experiences increase. When we classified the teachers related to their field of study, it was observed that the teachers who teach courses of education used the same methods and techniques in their classes and there were no differences among the teacher trainers who teach courses of field education related to their methods they used. As a result from the study that the teacher trainers used traditional methods and techniques in their classes and it can be said that if the teacher trainers cannot enrich their teaching methods and techniques in their classes, the expected pre-service education quality cannot be obtained. In the end of the study, the necessary suggestions were given to the authorities to whom it may concern.

Keywords: Pre-service education, teacher trainer, teaching methods and techniques

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APA 7th edition
Karamustafaoglu, O., & Bayar, A. (2014). Teaching Methods and Techniques Used by Teacher Trainers in Classrooms. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(1), 25-38.

Karamustafaoglu, O. and Bayar, A. (2014). Teaching Methods and Techniques Used by Teacher Trainers in Classrooms. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(1), pp. 25-38.

Chicago 16th edition
Karamustafaoglu, Orhan and Adem Bayar (2014). "Teaching Methods and Techniques Used by Teacher Trainers in Classrooms". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 3 (1):25-38.


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