Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2017, Vol. 6(2) 115-123

Evaluation of Formative Assessment-Based Teaching Practices: An Action Research

Mizrap Bulunuz, Zeynep Kiryak, Bulgan Tomac, Funda Karagoz, Behiye Recepoglu

pp. 115 - 123

Publish Date: November 21, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 162/1.297   |   Single/Total Download: 235/2.953


The present study has two aims: Examining the effect of formative assessment based teaching practices on the development of conceptual understanding levels of middle school students on the concepts of heat and temperature, and evaluating the observations and experiences of teachers. Practical action research method was used in the study. The research sample consisted of 24 middle school students from Eskişehir (13 seventh grade) and Kocaeli (11 sixth grade) provinces. Three formative probes were used for pretest data collection, and nine two-tiered questions were used in posttest. In addition, the journals kept by the teachers throughout the research process were used for data collection. In conclusion, it was seen that formative assessment-based teaching practices had a positive effect on the conceptual understanding of the sixth and seventh grade students, and increased the eagerness of the students to attend the lesson, learn, and discover and ensured that teaching occurred based on mutual communication and interaction.

Keywords: Formative assessment, science teaching , heat and temperature

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APA 7th edition
Bulunuz, M., Kiryak, Z., Tomac, B., Karagoz, F., & Recepoglu, B. (2017). Evaluation of Formative Assessment-Based Teaching Practices: An Action Research. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(2), 115-123.

Bulunuz, M., Kiryak, Z., Tomac, B., Karagoz, F. and Recepoglu, B. (2017). Evaluation of Formative Assessment-Based Teaching Practices: An Action Research. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(2), pp. 115-123.

Chicago 16th edition
Bulunuz, Mizrap, Zeynep Kiryak, Bulgan Tomac, Funda Karagoz and Behiye Recepoglu (2017). "Evaluation of Formative Assessment-Based Teaching Practices: An Action Research". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 6 (2):115-123.


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