Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2013, Vol. 2(2) 96-108

Omani Teachers' Professional Identity from Their Supervisors’ Perspectives: Comparison Study between three SchoolSubjects

Abdullah Ambusaidi, Abdullah Alhashmi, Nasser Al-Rawahi

pp. 96 - 108

Publish Date: December 31, 2013  |   Single/Total View: 22/975   |   Single/Total Download: 25/2.271


This study aims to investigate the Arabic, Science and Physical Education supervisors' perspectives regarding the level of professional identity features possessed by teachers of the aforementioned three subjects in the Omani context. The sample consisted of 225 supervisors who are working in the Arabic, Science or Physical Education sectors. Data was collected via a questionnaire comprising a list of professional identity features divided into four domains. The results demonstrated that supervisors in the three subjects indicated that teachers under their supervision possess a high level of professional identity features in the 'school development' domain while they possess a moderate level of professional identity features in the three other domains: 'teaching and learning', 'student development' and 'professional and personal growth'. In addition, the results revealed no statistical significant differences according to supervisors' gender and experiences. However, the results showed that Physical Education teachers possessed more professional identity features than their counterparts across all domains. Recommendations for future research were proposed based on the study results.

Keywords: Professional identity, supervisors, Omani teachers, science, Arabic language, physical education.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ambusaidi, A., Alhashmi, A., & Al-Rawahi, N. (2013). Omani Teachers' Professional Identity from Their Supervisors’ Perspectives: Comparison Study between three SchoolSubjects . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 2(2), 96-108.

Ambusaidi, A., Alhashmi, A. and Al-Rawahi, N. (2013). Omani Teachers' Professional Identity from Their Supervisors’ Perspectives: Comparison Study between three SchoolSubjects . Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 2(2), pp. 96-108.

Chicago 16th edition
Ambusaidi, Abdullah, Abdullah Alhashmi and Nasser Al-Rawahi (2013). "Omani Teachers' Professional Identity from Their Supervisors’ Perspectives: Comparison Study between three SchoolSubjects ". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2 (2):96-108.


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