Original article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 7(1) 17-27

The Role of School Attachment and Parental Social Support in Academic Procrastination

Evren Erzen, Ozkan Cikrikci

pp. 17 - 27

Publish Date: June 30, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 534/1.555   |   Single/Total Download: 750/3.300


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between academic procrastination, school attachment and perceived social support from parents in adolescents and to determine the predictive role of school attachment and parental social support for academic procrastination. In this study, designed in accordance with the correlational research model, the research group included 178 girls (53.8%) and 153 boys (46.2%) for a total of 331 adolescents. The ages of participants varied from 13 to 20 years, with mean age of 17.08 years (SD = 2.28). According to the results of the research, there was a significant correlation between academic procrastination with school attachment and perceived social support from family. Multiple linear regression analysis of data indicated school attachment and perceived social support from family were each significant predictors of tendency toward academic procrastination. The results were discussed in light of the literature.

Keywords: Academic procrastination adolescent, school attachment, social support

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APA 7th edition
Erzen, E., & Cikrikci, O. (2018). The Role of School Attachment and Parental Social Support in Academic Procrastination. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(1), 17-27.

Erzen, E. and Cikrikci, O. (2018). The Role of School Attachment and Parental Social Support in Academic Procrastination. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 7(1), pp. 17-27.

Chicago 16th edition
Erzen, Evren and Ozkan Cikrikci (2018). "The Role of School Attachment and Parental Social Support in Academic Procrastination". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 7 (1):17-27.


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