Original article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 13(2) 94-106
pp. 94 - 106
Publish Date: December 30, 2024 | Number of Views: 15 | Number of Download: 20
This study aimed to compare the effects of two different distance education methods on students' learning outcomes: academic achievement and attitude toward science courses. One was the EBA system, which the Ministry of National Education established. The other was the distance education module we developed within the scope of the management approach to enrich the course content on cell and division. We used the semi-experimental study method. Our study group consisted of 7th-grade students. We provided EBA-supported courses in the control group and module-supported courses in the experimental group. We collected data using the academic success test and the attitude scale. We analyzed our data using tests suitable for normal distribution in the SPSS 20.0 program. The results showed that the experimental group did better in the questions at a high cognitive level. However, there was no statistical difference between the attitude scale results.
Keywords: Distance Education, Academic Success, Material Development
APA 7th edition
Sevim, S., & Yatagan, O. (2024). The Comparison of Two Distance Education Practices on Middle School Students’ Academic Success and Science Course Attitudes. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(2), 94-106.
Sevim, S. and Yatagan, O. (2024). The Comparison of Two Distance Education Practices on Middle School Students’ Academic Success and Science Course Attitudes. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(2), pp. 94-106.
Chicago 16th edition
Sevim, Serkan and Ozge Yatagan (2024). "The Comparison of Two Distance Education Practices on Middle School Students’ Academic Success and Science Course Attitudes". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 13 (2):94-106.
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