Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 9(2) 120-133
pp. 120 - 133
Publish Date: December 31, 2020 | Single/Total View: 135/791 | Single/Total Download: 169/1.710
Assessment in the context of competency based education has emerged as an area of research interests with debates extending into mathematics education. As other parts of the world, Tanzania, reviewed its curricula at different levels of education between 2004 and 2008. The purpose of the review was to shift the paradigm of teaching and learning from content-based to competency-based. After reviewing the new curriculum, efforts were made by the Government, specifically the Ministry responsible for education, to orient teachers and other education officials on how to implement it. Assessment as one of the important components in teaching and learning process was not given due weight. Paper-and-pencil tests continued to dominate assessment procedures. This paper brings to light what are perceived to be relevant techniques for assessing mathematics in the context of the competency-based curriculum. Before this, the paper outlines the purpose of teaching and learning of mathematics, competency based education as opposed to the content based education, and classifications of assessments regarding mathematics. The paper concludes that the outlined assessment techniques are just a sample of the possible assessments strategies that can be used. Furthermore, no single assessment technique is adequate by itself in assessing all mathematical competencies.
Keywords: Assessment; Paradigm Shift; Competency; Content-Based Curriculum; Assessment Techniques
APA 7th edition
Kitta, S., & Likinjie, M. (2020). What Are the Relevant Techniques for Assessing Mathematics in the Context of Competency-Based Curriculum?. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(2), 120-133.
Kitta, S. and Likinjie, M. (2020). What Are the Relevant Techniques for Assessing Mathematics in the Context of Competency-Based Curriculum?. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(2), pp. 120-133.
Chicago 16th edition
Kitta, Septimi and Morwo Likinjie (2020). "What Are the Relevant Techniques for Assessing Mathematics in the Context of Competency-Based Curriculum?". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 9 (2):120-133.
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