Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2019, Vol. 8(1) 1-19
pp. 1 - 19
Publish Date: June 30, 2019 | Single/Total View: 89/1.120 | Single/Total Download: 121/2.477
This research is designed with a basic qualitative research design in which the pedagogical content knowledge of the primary teachers is examined in terms of curricular knowledge, knowledge of instructional strategies, knowledge of the students and knowledge of assessment & evaluation information. The study group was determined by convenience sampling method. In this respect, there are 6 primary teachers in the study group; 2 primary teacher having professional experience between 0-10 years, 2 primary teacher having professional experience between 10-20 years and 2 primary teacher having professional experience 20 years and over. In this study, semi-structured interview form developed by researchers was used as data collection instrument. The data obtained from the research were analysed by content analysis method. When the results obtained from the study were evaluated and the primary teachers' curricular knowledge is examined; it is concluded that the primary teachers examined the primary school curriculum, used the teaching materials, developed teaching materials in order to enrich the content, and integrated technology into teaching. When primary teachers' instructional strategies knowledge is examined; it is seen that the classroom teachers placed drama, brainstorming, question-answer, project-based learning methods in their lessons, placed especially 'the principle of relativity to students' from principles of teaching often included in teaching. When primary teachers' student characteristics knowledge is examined; it is concluded that the primary teachers paid attention to developmental characteristics of their students, teach lessons base on their students' prior knowledge, use their students' oriented attitudes and motivations of the students to the lesson, paid attention to individual differences in their classes, they provided teacher-student and student-student interaction effectively. When primary teachers' assessment and evaluation knowledge is examined; it is concluded that the primary teachers chose oral examinations, written exams and multiple choice tests according to levels of the students and they made generally assessment and evaluation activities end of the lessons.
Keywords: Pedagogical content knowledge, professional competence, primary teacher
APA 7th edition
Caliskan, B.A., Ergan, C., Uzunlar, O.E., & Tabak, S. (2019). Investigation of Primary Teachers Views on Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 8(1), 1-19.
Caliskan, B., Ergan, C., Uzunlar, O. and Tabak, S. (2019). Investigation of Primary Teachers Views on Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 8(1), pp. 1-19.
Chicago 16th edition
Caliskan, Bayram Ali, Cagatay Ergan, Ozge Erva Uzunlar and Sanem Tabak (2019). "Investigation of Primary Teachers Views on Pedagogical Content Knowledge". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 8 (1):1-19.
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