Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2014, Vol. 3(2) 99-106
pp. 99 - 106
Publish Date: December 31, 2014 | Single/Total View: 27/1.060 | Single/Total Download: 36/2.478
Service learning is a desired, expected or integral part of teaching and yet guiding principles for conducting service learning projects in a generalized approach seem limited. For this paper, we have expanded and modified Sigmon's (1979) four R's of service-learning (respect, reciprocity, relevance, and reflection) to include the following six categories, each encompassing different core principles of the 'how' of doing service-learning effectively, more similar to Malone's (2010) five R's (relationships, rigor, reciprocity, reflection, and real life). These six R's include roles, relevance, reciprocity, reflection, risk management, and reporting. While the first four of our R's largely overlap with both Sigmon's and Malone's configurations, here we put forth the importance of two new and unique R's that must be carefully considered when utilizing service-learning as an effective course pedagogy, namely risk management and reporting.
Keywords: Service learning, higher education, community service, engaged learning
APA 7th edition
Russell, E.J., Westover, J.H., Bye, C., Arendt, A., & Carter, L.L. (2014). Guiding Principles for Conducting Service-Learning Projects. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(2), 99-106.
Russell, E., Westover, J., Bye, C., Arendt, A. and Carter, L. (2014). Guiding Principles for Conducting Service-Learning Projects. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(2), pp. 99-106.
Chicago 16th edition
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