Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2014, Vol. 3(2) 78-89
pp. 78 - 89
Publish Date: December 31, 2014 | Single/Total View: 86/1.049 | Single/Total Download: 108/2.434
In this study, it is aimed to integrate the subjects in the curriculum of science education program in 2013 with the activities performed outside the school. The students visited the dialysis center and mentioned about their ideas and opinions about the excretory system in the unit ‘Systems in Our Body'. 12 students attending to 7th grade in Tokat participated to the technical visit. Their ideas and opinions were obtained through 7 open-ended questions asked to them after the visit. In the research phenomenographic approach was used and the school where they attended was chosen. As there were two 7th grade classes in the school the students were selected with suitable sample method. The obtained data was evaluated content analysis. When the obtained data evaluated, it was seen that the students learned more and they became aware of the importance of organ donor.
Keywords: Technical visit, learning activities outside school, 2013 science curriculum
APA 7th edition
Bakioglu, B., & Karamustafaoglu, O. (2014). Outdoor Science Education: Technical Visit to a Dialysis Center. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(2), 78-89.
Bakioglu, B. and Karamustafaoglu, O. (2014). Outdoor Science Education: Technical Visit to a Dialysis Center. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 3(2), pp. 78-89.
Chicago 16th edition
Bakioglu, Busra and Orhan Karamustafaoglu (2014). "Outdoor Science Education: Technical Visit to a Dialysis Center". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 3 (2):78-89.
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