Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2015, Vol. 4(2) 126-138

An Intervention for Environmental Awareness: Ecopedagogy-Based Outdoor Environmental Education

Emel Okur-Berberoglu, Sukran Yalcin-Ozdilek, Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Selcuk Uygun, Zeynep Cetinkaya-Edizer

pp. 126 - 138

Publish Date: December 31, 2015  |   Single/Total View: 113/1.112   |   Single/Total Download: 145/2.505


Recently outdoor education has become an important teaching method in order to increase environmental awareness. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of an ecopedagogy-based outdoor environmental education program on the environmental awareness of in-service teachers. The research conducted on analysing the participants' reflective writings at the beginning and end of the program by content analysis. It is found that ecopedagogy-based outdoor environmental education is effective in order to increase environmental awareness and biodiversity awareness of in-service teachers.

Keywords: Environment education, outdoor education, ecopedagogy, environmental awareness, case study, teacher education

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APA 7th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, E., Yalcin-Ozdilek, S., Eryaman, M.Y., Uygun, S., & Cetinkaya-Edizer, Z. (2015). An Intervention for Environmental Awareness: Ecopedagogy-Based Outdoor Environmental Education. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 4(2), 126-138.

Okur-Berberoglu, E., Yalcin-Ozdilek, S., Eryaman, M., Uygun, S. and Cetinkaya-Edizer, Z. (2015). An Intervention for Environmental Awareness: Ecopedagogy-Based Outdoor Environmental Education. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 4(2), pp. 126-138.

Chicago 16th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, Emel, Sukran Yalcin-Ozdilek, Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Selcuk Uygun and Zeynep Cetinkaya-Edizer (2015). "An Intervention for Environmental Awareness: Ecopedagogy-Based Outdoor Environmental Education". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 4 (2):126-138.


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