Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2015, Vol. 4(2) 101-125

Design of Technology Assisted Material Which Can Be Used in Problem Solving Process: Example of Force and Motion

Seyhan Eryilmaz Toksoy, Ali Riza Akdeniz

pp. 101 - 125

Publish Date: December 31, 2015  |   Single/Total View: 42/1.114   |   Single/Total Download: 57/2.509


Problem solving is often seen as a component of evaluation, but it is also a learning area. An indicator of this situation is using pre-post test that place to problem solving while researching the effects of implementation of different teaching methods on achievement. Problem solving is an individual process; each student can solve the problem by using different problem-solving steps and also may have difficulty in performing in these steps. It is known that teachers cannot help each student during problem solving process at the same time in current learning environment. In this process, students should be supported without affecting their own problem-solving strategies. Not only students should be allowed to create their own problem-solving strategies but also they should be ensured to reach needed support. In this study it is aimed to determine the assistances that should be in a material that students can use during problem solving process and to design the technology-assisted problem solving material offers the opportunity to reach these assistances. In the study, problem solving material regarding 'Force and Motion' unit in 10th grade physics curriculum is designed by using design phases mentioned in the literature. This material has been used by 11 students and their opinions received after the application of material. At the end of the study the material that students can use without having difficulty in problem solving process was designed. Conclusions that this material provides individual problem-solving environment, accessing information easily, opportunity of solving more problems, presenting different solutions, and drew students ‘attention, contribute to permanent learning by making students active were reached. Students' recommendations relating to the properties that should be in this material were identified.

Keywords: Individual learning, force and motion, problem solving, design of technology assisted material

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APA 7th edition
Toksoy, S.E., & Akdeniz, A.R. (2015). Design of Technology Assisted Material Which Can Be Used in Problem Solving Process: Example of Force and Motion. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 4(2), 101-125.

Toksoy, S. and Akdeniz, A. (2015). Design of Technology Assisted Material Which Can Be Used in Problem Solving Process: Example of Force and Motion. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 4(2), pp. 101-125.

Chicago 16th edition
Toksoy, Seyhan Eryilmaz and Ali Riza Akdeniz (2015). "Design of Technology Assisted Material Which Can Be Used in Problem Solving Process: Example of Force and Motion". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 4 (2):101-125.


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