Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2017, Vol. 6(2) 61-73
pp. 61 - 73
Publish Date: November 21, 2018 | Single/Total View: 241/1.328 | Single/Total Download: 322/2.839
The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent secondary education placement examination (TEOG) affects teaching English to the 8th graders. To this end, the teachers who actively took part in this process participated in this research with their views. The data gathered from 56 participants from 16 districts in Turkey working as teachers of English was analyzed descriptively. The findings proved that the teachers of English had difficulty in reaching the objectives of the course specified in the regarding course syllabus as they needed to prepare the students for the exam. Furthermore, it was found out that school administrators and parents have a great impact on choosing the regarding teaching method, technique and materials. It is suggested that school administrators and parents should not interfere in teaching process and teachers should be able to fulfil their professions properly and independently.
Keywords: Washback effect, placement examinations, teaching methods, test anxiety
APA 7th edition
Cakir, I. (2017). The Washback Effects of Secondary Education Placement Examination on Teachers, School Administrators and Parents with Specific Reference to Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(2), 61-73.
Cakir, I. (2017). The Washback Effects of Secondary Education Placement Examination on Teachers, School Administrators and Parents with Specific Reference to Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 6(2), pp. 61-73.
Chicago 16th edition
Cakir, Ismail (2017). "The Washback Effects of Secondary Education Placement Examination on Teachers, School Administrators and Parents with Specific Reference to Teaching English as a Foreign Language". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 6 (2):61-73.
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